Keeps Getting Better

Start from the beginning

I could tell her what I see, but stay quiet as we start walking back. "I mean, he told me he had been at two of the crime scenes!"

"He was?"

"Yeah, but I doubt it now. Who knows where he even got them from. Probably made them himself and wanted to get a few quick dollars."

"Probably." I agree, looking behind us as goosebumps suddenly spread all over the arms. What am I doing? "I dropped my phone, stay right here. I'll be back."

Running in heels isn't a great idea, but i manage to do it and too busy doing whatever she was doing, Hannah simply nodded and did as I said. Stopping by the bench, I knew he was still around and saying a quick prayer to anything and anyone godly that might be listening, I wished once more I had stayed home tonight.

"I know what you are, vampire." I called out, trying to sound braver than I felt.

"Vampire?" He shuffled out of the darkness, throwing the purse at my feet. "She's fifty short."

"Well, for a human, what you gave her isn't exactly helpful so be happy with what you got."

"And for, what ever you are?"

"Shifter." Not a total lie. "You told her you were at those crime scenes?"

"Being part of the clean up crew is good work for someone like me." He came closer, no longer standing in the dark. "Got your kind worked up hasn't it?"

"Do you know who is doing it?"

Before I can process what's happening, he has me up against the tree by the bench. Breathing is near impossible as my throat is on fire and the pain of feeling his hands on my neck makes it feel as though he is about to rip my head off - literally.

"You're not a shifter, but I can smell something about you. What are you really?" He growls, baring his fangs before he presses up against me and pushes his nose into my hair.

I try to fight. I kick and claw at his hands but my attack is pointless as tiny black spots start to cloud my vision.

"Actually, I think you're lying and you're human."

His hands leave my neck and gasping for air I wonder why the hell I came back here. I don't care about the pack. I should've just got this guy's details from Hannah and passed them on - instead I'm probably going to die for them and for nothing. Leaning against the tree, my hand replaces his as I gently touch the sorest spot. Did he just want to scare me, cause okay. I'm big enough to admit he was scaring me and now he can just run along like a good vampire, back to his darkness and creepiness.

"Maybe I should just taste you to find out." He growls and suddenly my hands are pinned above me as he bites into my neck.

Pain like i have never, ever known has me screaming out, yet it's more of a gasp as the force of him against me leaves me breathless. This is it. I'm dead. I never got to tell Kyle he can keep Kitty cause I was over cleaning the litter tray. I never found some kind of peace with my Dad. I never got to give Aiden - again? Why the hell does he have to keep popping up, even now?

It's then I realise I'm not actually dying. Maybe. Vampire guy is stumbling backwards, spitting out whatever blood he just took from me like it was poison.

"You're not just human."

"Told. You." I mumbled, sliding down onto the ground.

"Sam?" Hannah calls and the vampire looks nervous now.

"You're not a shifter. What are you?"

I don't know what happens now. It's bright, too bright and if I didn't know better, it was Brianna standing in front of me. The next time i open my eyes, Hannah is there, gently shaking my shoulder.

"Shit, are you okay? Did he attack you?" She look around, clearly freaked out.

"What?" Hannah helps me stand and I look around. There is nothing and no one around except for us. "Did you see a light?"

"No?" She frowns. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Touching my neck, it's sore but there is no wound, no blood, nothing. We go back into the bar and Hannah gets our things, making the excuse of me being sick for us leaving. I don't even care, I just want to go home. She grabs a cab after leaving Stephen with her car keys and drops me off first.

"I'm so sorry about tonight. I honestly had a good feeling about it and this, this is just horrible!"

"I'm fine. Honest. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I assure her and wave her goodbye before making a very slow journey to my front door.

Which is open.

And standing behind Kitty who sits with that cat stare in the doorway - looking more like a very disapproving parent is a very, very angry looking Aiden.

Hannah had no idea just how shit her good feeling really was and for me, it looks as though my night was just going to keep getting better and better. Lucky me. 

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