Chapter 16: Silent and Not Awake

Start from the beginning

The flames were all around us, barely leaving any room to escape. We've wasted to much time.

"Alright. We have to go now! C'mon!" I yell and grab Luke's hand. I look back behind us and see Noah hot on our trail. I jump over fallen pieces of wood and dash around flames that spring up around us. How did we end up all the way in the back of this house? Why did I agree to go to the party? I sprint in a room and look around, looking for an escape route. Everything is on fire. Everything looks like a mirage and everything lookes like it's swaying from side to side. The heat is starting to get to me. I want to just lay down and fall asleep, hoping this is all a dream. That this whole day, even the dress shopping, was a dream and that I could wake up in my bed, under the covers, having the sun start to rise and get ready for school. I take off my shoes and my still bruised ankle from the crash shows. I take them in my hands and tip toe around furniture. Luke does the same, along with Noah, sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth showing he's concentrated. Noah walks beside me and steps over a piece of wood. Snapped out of concentration, I step on a burning piece of wood that's not quite on fire. I wince in pain and let out a groan of frustration.

"Shit! That obviously wasn't the smartest idea. Taking off my shoes." I add with the cries of agony of stepping on another piece. I quickly grab the shoes with my other hand and snap off the stick that makes them higher, leaving them as if they are flats. I figured it would be easier to run if they weren't six inch killer machines. A idea I came up with based on a movie that was almost like this.

I make my way through the same room, avoiding obstacles and trying to limit the number of times we burn ourselves. We step around a couch that is melting from the flames and we step out of the room, seeing our new obstacle. The obstacle we were hoping wouldn't come.

The house was in flames all aorund us, nothing was safe anymore and we used the little hope we had left and dashed into the fire. We ran right through, having nothing to worry about because everything was melted to the floor. The pain swollowed us up and if I had any guess of how hell would be like, this was my guess. The heat and the wails from outside, everything. We all screamed in pain, squinting our eyes and covering our faces to see through the flames. The sensation of burning appeared on my skin and I quickly went to cover my arms when I was shocked when my foot hit something and I fell over onto my face, landing on the burning hot wood. I tugged my foot but the heap of garbage wouldn't give. Luke got pulled back by the force of my fall but kept his balance.

"Oh my god! Help!" I screamed in pain, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. I was so close to the door but apparently, fate wasn't done with us just yet. Nature still had plans in store. I tugged my foot and a pain shot through my leg as flames tickled it. My face was covered in sweat and my hair was hot against my neck and upper back. I felt my make-up start to run as tears dripped down my face as I closed my eyes tightly and focused on nothing. I tried to push all the fear out of my head and explore the depths of my mind. It was like the footsteps in my mind shoved everything in a closet and locked the door and my muscles relaxed. Is this it? Did they all leave me? My question was answered when I felt the pile lift of my foot along with a grunt of pain from someone. I opened my eyes and it was like all the fear spilt out because it was to much to handle. Everything came rushing back and the reality hit me. I was lying on the ground, slowly burning to possible death. I see Luke throw the pile aside and see him look down at me. He swoops me up into his arms, bridal-style and we sprint off again, Noah and Jade nowhere in sight. Oh no, where are they now? Where did they go? Did we leave them behind when we ran into the flames and they didn't know where we were and they just got lost? They could've got lost in the flames and they could be somewhere-

"I let them go on without us, seeing Jade and Noah's panick was to much to handle. When you tripped, I told them to run ahead foward." Luke says while panting, clearly running his hardest not to mention he was carrying me. We saw Noah and Jade's still sleeping figure in his arms and Noah was kicking... he was kicking the door? When the flames started to lessen, I tried to jump out of Luke's arms but he just held me closer to his chest and a wave of safeness came over me. I felt protected from harm, which I was. Kick after kick after kick and whatever Noah was frustrated at, wouldn't happen. I moved my foot to make sure it didn't fall asleep, but instead, pain shoot through my ankle, and up my leg. I winced at the pain and let out a pain filled groan and me eyes blurred with tears again.

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