Chapter 4

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I woke up, smiled. One week ago I’d been the weakest gazelle, I was nowhere near the strongest gazelle… but I wasn’t the weakest. I’d grown. I smiled again. I had a good reason to smile. It was my birthday. Mum and Dad were talking a bit again, and me and Aron were actually (some weird form of) friends. Oh, and it’s my BIRTHDAY!


I smiled again. I was sitting in tutor and scanning the dull Miss. She didn’t even mention my birthday. Oh well, I had a feeling today was going to be fun, dad had got me a new iphone which I’d wanted for ages and was now full of tunes and sitting (on silent) in my pocket! Mum had promised to redecorate my bedroom in half term and I could choose everything about it, which was also incredible. I couldn’t think of a better handful of presents.


I began to walk down that corridor I had on my first day- if it wasn’t any trouble I always walked down it. Aron and me bumped into each other often and we were occasionally waving to each other across the canteen. No-one really knew we were friends, Aron had this cool, mean look to himself but he was always nice to me. He called me ‘gazelle’ now, (not the stupid or clumsy bit. Yet) because I told him about my metaphor life, and I was unpopular and so he was one of my only friends

We always seemed to see each other in this corridor, all I saw was a passing figure and he handed me a note. I took it. Aron?

I put the scrunched up paper in my pocket and soon reached the History block. As I sat at the back, and was half listening to the story of the battle of 1066, (I knew about that already anyway), I pulled out my note.

It read:

Hey Gazelle,

Sorry but I’ve got to be early to class or I would of given this to you differently.

Happy Birthday!

Yeah, I remembered when you go on about it, all the time. I have something to tell you.

Outside the Library 3:30.

Please come,

Aron x

What? Odd, for one ‘Aron x’. He was always this ruff guy not Aron kiss. Anyway what was it- a birthday card or something? No- this was so not Aron. It was though because he was the only one that ever called me ‘gazelle’.Was something wrong?

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