Logan made his way to his classroom on the second floor. He taught a sophomore English class, and over the summer he had come up with a syllabus for the school year, and a list of tenth grade approved books to read in class. He set his coffee on his desk and opened PowerSchool on his laptop. It was blank so far.

He rearranged the desks in the classroom to form makeshift tables out of four individual desks. He wrote his name and the date on the whiteboard, and left a space for a warm-up, even though he wouldn't have a warm-up on the first day of school.

Before long, he was ready for his first lesson, so he waited for school to start.

Students started coming in at 7:00 on the dot. That's when the doors opened to students, even though classes didn't start until 7:25. Since it was the first day, students were going to the school counselor to get their schedule figured out, or they were trying to find their first class. Logan was outside in the hallway, watching it become busy very fast as students came in and out of classrooms, and studied the room numbers to see if it matched their schedule.

"Excuse me?" A young feminine voice with just a slight British accent asked.

Logan turned around to see a high school girl with red hair and blue eyes that were looking up at Logan. She was wearing a pastel sweater and floral jeans. Her backpack was maroon, and it only complemented her outfit.

"I just moved to Florida over the summer, and seeing as how I'm new to the school, I'm completely lost, and so I was wondering if you could please help me find my classes?"

"Of course." Logan said. "May I see your schedule?"

The girl nodded, and handed him a sheet of paper.

The name at the top read "Evans, Belle Talyn".

He looked at her. "Your name's Belle?"

She nodded.

"That's a pretty name." Logan said.

"Thank you." Belle said.

Logan looked over her schedule. "Your first period is actually right down this hall. See the door down at the right? That's it."

"Thank you!" Belle grinned.

"No problem." Logan said. "Also, when I was looking at your schedule I noticed that you're in my class fourth period."

Belle glanced back at her schedule. "You're Mr. Sanders, the English teacher?"

Logan nodded.

"Cool! Well, see you in fourth period." Belle said, and dashed off to her first period classroom.


The last period of the day was fourth. The students came into the classroom, chattering away. A group of boys all sat down at a table of four together. Their voices were loud and somewhat obnoxious, and Logan could tell they would be a headache to teach. Not that he would ever admit that, of course.

Belle was sitting with a girl with chin length chocolate brown hair and glasses. They were talking excitedly about something. Logan wasn't sure what, but he figured Belle had made a new friend.

All the students were in the classroom. The kids were all talking amongst themselves, but it was Logan's smallest class, so he didn't mind as much. As long as they didn't talk when he was trying to give a lesson, he didn't mind.

"I'm going to call role, so please listen for your name."

After role, Logan started the lesson.

"I am Mr. Sanders," He introduced himself. "I have syllabuses to give you an example of what I expect from you in class, and as long as you make an effort, you'll do great."

Logan passed out syllabuses and continued to explain.

After he felt like he had explained everything he needed to, he let the class talk amongst themselves.

He wasn't paying attention, but he overheard some of the conversation from the boys table, because they were loud.

One of the boys made a joke about Minecraft, purposely making his voice sound dumb to make it funny. Logan didn't pay much attention to them.

That is, until one of his friends replied with, "Oh my god, Mark, that's so gay."

"Gay is a term to describe sexuality, not a synonym for stupidity. Please don't use it that way in my classroom." Logan said calmly.

The boys fell silent.

"Yes, sir." His voice lowered in shame.

Logan didn't notice, but Belle was smiling at him, and her friend made a comment on how she appreciated that Logan had corrected them.


Author's Note: Belle Talyn Evans is a fictional character that is based off of my lovely friend @insertpunhere0, of whom I have nicknamed Talyn (after Thomas's friend). However, there will be a plot point introduced later on involving Belle, and I would like to clarify now that Belle herself is the only thing based off of Talyn, and the plot that Belle will be involved in is entirely fictional. It's very hard for me to explain this without giving away spoilers... Just trust me.

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