The Beginning

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A/N: Yes, i know this isn't how adoption works or anything in real life works. I'm just trying to speed this part along. Also this is about 7300 words. I know its a lot, but the other chapters will be shorter. I wanted to squeeze all the background stuff in here so yeah, enjoy.

When I was six years old I was left in an abandoned alleyway. My sleeping body on the ground with nothing but the clothes on my back, one of my older brothers hoodies under my head, and some granola bars in the pockets. I didn't know what was happening then, but I just wanted to go back home. It was days later when a police officer strolled by and found me hiding behind the safety of a trash can, hoping and praying that one of my brothers would come find me and take me back home. I looked up at her, my big blue pools staring into her deep chocolate ones.

She came closer then squatted down to my level and told me softly, "Hi sweetie, I'm Officer Torres. Are you here all alone?" I started sniffling and tears blurred my vision. I shook my head trying not to show that I was alone, in hopes of her leaving. It didn't work, instead she sighed heavily and asked me again. This time I responded with a nod. She glanced at our surroundings before saying "Where do you live sweetie, I'll take you back." I looked up my eyes wide and sniffled, "I don't, I don't k-know." With tears running down my face I looked down and grabbed my brother's hoodie, rolling it into a ball then putting it in my lap. I put my head down and into the hoodie hiding my tears.

"Why don't I bring you down to the station with me, we'll get some food and get you cleaned up, then we can try and find your house." I shook my head violently wanting to stay where I was until I my brother came back. "What if I get you some hot chocolate, it is getting kind of cold out here?" I nodded hesitantly in realization that she will not leave until I agree. "So, what do you want on your hot chocolate? Marshmallows? Whip cream? Ooh how about some cherries? What do you think baby?" I bit my lip still nervous about leaving. Mrs. Torres, stood up in a graceful motion and held a hand out. I crawled out from my hiding space, behind the garbage can, then took her hand reluctantly let her pick me up. She grabbed my brother's hoodie off the ground and we walked over to the small patrol car.

She carried me over to her car and put me in a car-seat. Once she was buckled up, she drove us over to the police station. "So, baby girl what's your name?", she asked looking in her rear-view mirror. I looked down and whispered "My name's Adalaide" The nice officer lady stopped the car and got out. She came around to my side of the car unbuckling me, then putting me on the ground with my hand in hers. She put a badge up to the door and it buzzed loudly, making my cower into her leg. She opened the door and entered the building with me in tow. There were a lot of tall people desks and rooms. She swooped me up into her arms and sat me down in a spinning chair, then told me she was going to go and get me a hot chocolate with everything in it.

I sat there quiet as a mouse, examining everyone walking by me. I put my head down in my lap for less than a minute and I felt someone walk up to me. I picked my head up and saw a man staring at me confused. "Hi sweetie, what's your name? I'm Officer Mirez." I stared wide eyed at the 6' 3" monster with steel blue eyes and dark brown hair. "Darren, back off, you're scaring her." I heard a strong voice say, I turned my head and saw Mrs. Torres. I got up and hid behind her leg. "So Josie, where'd you find this little cutie?" I dug my face into her leg as she chuckled. "She was behind a dumpster in the alley on Jast." She picked me up and put me back on the chair then handed he the hot chocolate.

Staring into the cup, I saw steam coming out of the cup and knew it was too hot. "Mrs. T..." I whispered, "is there ghiaccio(ice). It's hot." She looked at me and whispered "Yeah, I'll go get some." She walked out of the room and the man squatted down next to me. "I'm sorry if I scared you. My name is Darren, the lady that was with you is my little sister. She is really nice. " I nodded, agreeing with him. "She's nice, like my mommy was." I say tearing my gaze away from his filled with sorrow.

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