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                       JOSH POV
" The Sun Was Beaming Into The Horizon And The Wind Was No Where To Be Found.

Prefect Day To Relax In The Pool.

The way this water feel on my skin is amazing. Sometimes I get lost just
looking at the ocean blue clean pool water.

It was so perfect just staring down at the way it relaxes me. Like a singing bird , relax and smooth your feelings when you down or maybe when everything goes so wrong in one day you just go for a run trying to escape everything.

That's how the water makes me feel .... So I thought !

It was so hot outside I think I'm starting to get a good tan. We threw so many pool parties here just looking down at the water bring back so many memories.

Drowning in my own thoughts I didn't see that wavy black shadow figure walking pass me but I did feel that breeze like someone walk by.

I start to look around but no one was there. As I get back to soaking my feet back in the water five minutes has passed by and I actually seen the black wavy shadow. My eyes got big as a saucer and I jumped up quickly as possible trying hard not to fall in the pool.

That didn't work. I fell in the 12th feet. Good thing I knew how to swim but as soon as my head came up from under the cool blue water there he stood.

Wearing all black with black timberlands and the joker grin on his face there he stood looking down at me with his big crazy blue eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul my eyes was so alert I think they was about to pop out of my head.

I couldn't mutter a sound. I stood there terrified wondering what he was doing here. I think I just pissed on myself because he just stood there laughing.

It was my killer Josh !!

This cool peaceful water turned black and cold ass hell as he jumped in the pool on top of me pulling me under.

He is finally going to kill me !!!

Oh my god !!! Oh my god !!! Someone help me !!! I start panicking and kicking and swinging my arms like a crazy wild person ! I screamed help every time my head popped up but it wasn't loud enough to get my father attention.

My father was in the living room sitting in his lazy boy chair reading the newspaper. He was so stiff maybe he was died !!! Maybe josh killed him first and he was trying to get my attention but I was to busy in my own thoughts.

Just the thought of my father being dead made my body completely numb and I lost sight of reality. I might as well be dead because the only person that cares about me is already dead.

As if he was reading my thoughts Josh had the biggest grin I ever seen and pulled me back to the bottom of the pool with him ....


Fuck it was all a dream !!

I said to myself as i reached over to my alarm clock and pound on it.


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