~Ophelia's POV~

This is so not how I thought today was going to go. One moment walking down the street next I'm waking up in a room tied to a table.

Where am I? What's going on?, I think as I look around the room and heard a door open.

I try to see who came in but couldn't. I heard a deep chuckle, "What I caught finally woke up."

I froze and whimper softly, "Let me go!"

"Aww you're so cute," he chuckles deeply again and he comes into my view.

I stare at the short brown haired, cold blue eyed boy standing in front of me. He has a piercing above his eyebrow and I bit my lip scared as he looked like he could snap my arm without trying.

He walks over to a table behind me and I hear rattling then saw a set a keys being dangled over my face, "These are the keys to let you free. All you have to do is tell me if you're divergent or not?"

I look up at him, I wasn't going to tell him I knew not to tell him. But I was scared of what he would do if I didn't tell him.

"Silent. I don't like silence little girl," he growls and grabs my chin, digging his fingers in my cheek.

I whimper as I felt them starting to bruise. "Stop! Please," I plead.

"You're a special kind of stupid if you are hurting and kidnapping girls," another voice says.

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