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Marcus had stopped Calista just as she was leaving to go to the downworlder party, making her stay at the institute for the arrival of their parents instead of going to hunt down a warlock. He quickly makes her change into a pair of black running tights and a black v-neck t-shirt.

All of the siblings walk into the training and they pair off in their twin sets and start sparring. Marcus and James going hand to hand, Daxton and Davis using seraph, and Calista and Caleb using bo staffs.

Calista swings the staff around her head before trying to strike Caleb but he blocks his sisters move. He moves to hit her feet, Calista jumps landing back down perfectly, pinning the staff to the ground. She smirks at him and rams the staff into Caleb's side. He falls onto the ground and Calista takes the opportunity to pick up his staff, now having two she goes to hit Caleb in the head but he rolls away grab Calista's foot and pulling her down with him. 

Caleb grabs his staff back and hits Calista in the side of the head, knocking her off balance, but not out. She presses her fingers to the spot where she was just hit, pulling them away to see the bright red of her blood on her fingers. She looks back at Caleb and starts swinging the staff around her body, making contact with Caleb's every time she got the chance. 

The youngest set of twins gathers a rather large crowd as they continue to fight. Davis and Marcus cheering on Calista while Daxton and James cheer on Caleb. Everyone else just watch silently, letting out a gasp or a groan of pain when one lands a hit.

Calista finally gets Caleb back on the ground, she presses the bottom of her Nikes into his chest and points the end on the staff to his throat. Caleb hits the ground twice with his palm, tappin out.

Calista smirks in victory and tucks the bo staff under her arm and helps her brother up. She turns around to put the staff away and is meet by Alec coming up to her, he wastes no time kiss the Honorlaw in front of the entire institute. The couple receive whistles and cheers as Alec dips the girl down and kisses her harder.

Kian glares at the kissing couple, furious that he has touched Calista's body in ways he could only imagine. He knew that Calista was no where close to being a virgin but, every time she would sneak back into institute at 3 am, every time he helped her sneak out to meet with a vampire or werewolf. He knew the girl wanted to marry the Lightwood but word was flying around Idris and other institutes, saying that the Lightwood's parents were looking for a bride for their oldest son, and if Kian could help, he would do everything in his power to make sure the girl he married was not Calista.

Alec stands Calista back up and takes his lips off hers, the two breath heavily as they stare into each other's eyes. Someone clears their throat, tearing the two apart. Calista's eyes snap towards the large door and she sees her parents coming towards her and her brothers. 

She pulls herself out of Alec's grasp and stands in line next to Caleb and Davis, her hands locked neatly behind her back, her shoulders squared, and her chin held up slightly. Her eyes are cold and her mouth is pressed closed, showing no sign of emotions.

The Lightwoods, Clary and Jace all stare at the uniformed Honorlaws. All wondering why they  turned into robots, Izzy turns her head to see Rebecca and Elias Honorlaw walking into the room and she looks over at Jace and Alec in fear.

"We are so screwed." She whispers to the two flicks her eyes back over to the family, Alec and Jace looking over as well. Clary looks over at the three and raises an eyebrow, she didn't understand why the Honorlaws looked like new Army recruits and who the people were in front of them.

"Those are Rebecca and Elias, Calista's parents." Izzy whispers as she hears Elias' voice boom at his six children.

"They are here because of you Clary." Jace mutters and Clary's eyes widen in hope. 

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