The One and Only

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The four shadowhunter walk through the busy street of the New York, Jace and Calista walking behind the shapeshifting demon, now walking as a tall woman in a tacky purple, skin tight dress. She looks up to see the Lightwoods, watching and walking along the rooftops.

Izzy jumps down, landing with ease before joining the other two. Calista looks at the demon once more, scoffing at the dress. "That dress is so gauche." She say snobbishly and Jace rolls his eyes at her.

"Not everyone can walk around in red bottoms and Gucci." He snaps and Calista looks over at Izzy who is shaking her head while she smiles.

"Actually, this outfit is Versace." She corrects, pointing to her outfit and Jace holds up his hands in defense.

"Sorry." He pleads, earning a small laugh from the girl. Alec jumps down and joins the three as the continue to walk to the club.

Calista looks up to see the club's name Pandemonium, flashing in giant red letters. The beginning and end of the word flashing out, leaving the word demon glowing. Calista scoffs. "Classy." Izzy looks over at her friend and laugh, Alec rolls his eyes and pulls Izzy forward with him.

Jace and Calista where just a few steps behind Alec and Izzy when Jace bumps into a girl with bright orange hair. Thinking nothing of it, the pair keep walking toward the club.

"Hey, can you watch where you're going?" She shouts out after them, causing them to stop and turn around to stare at the girl.

"You can see him?" Calista says in shock, pointing to the blonde next to her.

" Yeah, that's kinda the point and I can see you too, but you obviously didn't see me." She snaps in a snarky voice, Calista raises her eyebrows at her, she crosses her arms, not liking them mundanes attitude with the two.

"You have the Sight." Jace says in wonderment, he looks back at Calista who shrugs at him, Calista knows every shadowhunter in the states, and everyone with the sight and this girl is not one of them.

"Wait, the what?" Clary looks at the two, her gaze moves from the blonde boy to the brunette girl standing behind him. She was stunning, her hair, makeup and skin flawless. Her outfit tight and leather, her tattoos matching the ones of the blonde boy. They were probably together, I mean two people that gorgeous must be together.

"How can I not know who you are" Jace says in all honesty, he looks at the Honorlaw behind him, silently asking her if she knew the girl, she shakes her head no and they both turn their attention back to the girl.

"Has that line seriously ever worked for you? Even once?" Clary flirts with Jace and Calista scoffs loudly, earning a glare from the red head.

"Jace, Calista!" Alec shouts at them and the two shadowhunters run to catch up with the Lightwoods.

The four walk into the night club and Aelc instantly grabs Calista's hand intertwining their fingers, sparks going through both of their bodies. Calista looks down at their hands and smiles up at Alec who instantly returns the warm smile.

Alec drags her to a spot hidden behind a purple curtain. Calista's back pressed firmly against Alec's front, as his arm wrap around her waist holding her there. She manages to turn around to the two are face to face, luckily with her choice of shoes for the evening the two are almost the same height. Calista presses her forehead to Alec's, closing the distance between the two to mere centimeters.

Alec's hand holds the Honorlaw tighter as she closes the space between them, she brushes her lips against his ever so slightly, causing Alec's breath to hitch. She had done this move before, but no one has ever taken this long to kiss her back. She goes to pull away, thinking he didn't want her to kiss him, but he quickly places his hand on the back of her head holding her in place while he connects their lips fully.

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