Again We Meet

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It has been a week since I last seen or spoke to Naya. I think I scared her away because I have texted her and called her serval times and she never answered her phone. Was she avoiding? I know I messed up things with her I feel so stupid. I need fresh air I have literally been sitting by my phone waiting for her to call or text me. I needed to go for a run and try to just forget about her. I put a sports bra, my running shorts, my shoes and grabbed my earphones. After that I grabbed my phone slipped it in my pocket and I was on my way outside. 

I started running gaining a rhythm with every step I took. After a while I started to get tired but I was determined to at least get to Starbucks about less than a mile away. When I got to the shop I was breathless so it took me a minute to catch my breath. When my breathing calmed I walked into the Starbucks. I order a caramel frappe. When my drink was finally ready I sat down at a empty table. 

The place was surprisingly empty today so when the door rang notifying that some one walked in I could not help but look up. When I looked my mouth dropped and my heart skipped a beat. It was Naya.

"Naya" I said with excitement and surprise in my voice

"Heather" she said with a nervous smile and then sit down next to me

"Um ...why haven't you answered any call or responded to any of my text" 

"I... Um .... you know uh .. I was busy" she said which I knew she was lying to me

"Why are you lying to me"

"Because I didn't know what to say and also I don't know how to feel about this whole liking a girl thing" She said with her head down

"Oh was it me I'm sorry I didn't mean rush you into anything and if you don't want to go out that is okay I went to far and I know that"I said my voice filled with disappointment

"No that is not it, it just I don't think I need to let people in my life just so they can walk out"

"What do you mean" I confused on what she meant 

"Well what if I let you in my life and you walk out you wont just be  hurting me you will also be hurting my daughter. I don't really care about my heart breaking because it happened so many time before but if my baby get hurt I will be hella mad. I don't want to let you in our hearts for us to get attached to you and then you leave us. I just cant do it im sorry." she said looking directly into my eyes. I could see fear and worriness in her eyes.

"Look Naya dont worry I could never hurt you or Kaya like that. If you get to know me you will find that I am a honest and loving person. I dont want you to be worried about you or Kaya ending up broken hearted because I wont let it happen ok" I said in a comforting tone

She smiled and took her phone in her hand typing a measage. When she got done typing My phone immedialy started to buzzed. It said I had a text from Naya I opened the mesage and it started to read. It said "Sorry for avoiding you and also you are really sweet maybe we can grab some coffee at around 4 pm my treat". I checked the time and it was 4 and I smiled up at her. I grabbed her hand and led her to the counter where we ordered.

After we odder and got our drinks we sat back down. II was a awkward silence but after a while we started having mini conversation until we got comfortable with each other. By the end of the little coffee date they were laughing and talking and just being themselves around each other. When they lefted the coffee shop they walked hand in hand to the park which was just right across the street. They walked until they sat down under a huge oak tree. 

They continue talking and just enjoying each others presents. 

"You want to hear a joke" Naya while giggling 

"Sure" I said clearly enjoying myself

"What do you call a Heather with no Brain" She said with a smile so bright it could compete with the sun

"I don't know... what"

"You just call her Heather because your already thoughtless" She said laughing uncontrollably

"You are mean" I said with a playful pout forming on my lip

"No im not" She said sticking her tongue out at me

"Yes you are and you know what mean people deserve right"

"No...What do mean people deserve"

"This" I said while tickling her stomach and sides. She laughed so hard she had tear coming down her eyes. She cried for me to stop but I kept going.

"Say your sorry" I said shill on top of her and moving my finger in a fast motion up her body tickling her.

"No" She cried out

I continued my attack until I accidentally fell on top of her body. We stopped laughing and we just stared into each others eyes. She finally lean her head toward my face pushing me into a passionate kiss. I placed my hand on her waist feeling her nice curves. Her arms where soon  wrapped around my neck. We made out for awhile until her phone rang. The moment was totally ruined by her stupid phone but I wasn't mad that she took the call because she is a mom. She was on the phone for about a couple of minutes. She finally said she had to leave to go pick up Kaya so she gave one last kiss and before I knew it she was gone.

I walked back to my apartment thinking about the amazing girl and how much of a amazing time I had. Why did it have to end? Whatever I was just happy I got to see her again. I think I'm falling hard for Naya. 


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