First Date

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When we got to the restaurant we sat in a private balcony table. It was perfect and Naya looked absolutly amazing. She had on a short, tight fitted blue dress that wrapped around her curves and she had a black sweater. Me on the other hand wore a sky blue top, a black blazar, and skinny black jeans with black combat boots. We sat at the table and looked at the menu everything looked absolutly delisous so we order. There was a akward silence and all I could do is stare at her and day dream. I was woken up out of my trance when I heard giggles.

"What is so funny " I asked kinda confused

"You are staring at me and blushing it is really cute" she said trying to contain her laughter"

"It just you are stunning and really awesome"I said barely able to look her in eyes

"You are too" she said while blushing 

"Well tell me about your self Heather"

"Well my name is Heather Morris. I was born and raised in Los Angelos but when I grew up I moved here to New York. I am now 23 but still havent found love yet but I have a feeling it is not to far from my reach. Also im a lesbien and I have been for like 5 years. My parent are actually cool with it and they just let me be myself. I own my own dance studio because I love dancing it is my passion and my life. Also I have a little crush, just so you know. So ... What about you." I said

"Ok my name is Naya Rivera. I was born in brazil but raised in New York so I always lived in New York. I am 24 and thought I found love but it was just a tragic mistake.I have a daughter named Kaya that I love with all my heart. I work as a pediatrican beecause I just love kids. I dont know if Im a lesbien or not but I know I have feelings for this girl. Also who is your crush." She said while smiling the whole time. Wow her smile is just so precious.

"If I said you would you be weirded out." I said with a embarrased look on my face 

"You are so cute and what would you say if I said that I felt the same" she said looking me right in the eye

"I would say that I am glab that I met you at Cold Stones."

Well our food finally came and we ate and had little conversations here and there. After we were done eating I drove her back to her place. We walked her up to her apartment while holding her hand.


I know it sound weird since I just met Heather but I really like her. It something about her that just drives me crazy. While she was walking me up to my aparment she grabbed my hand and her touch just felt so right. When we got up to my place we stood out side of the door staring into each others eyes still holding hands.

"I really had a amazing time with you tonight" I said 

"I did too we should do this more often" she said smiling

"We should " I said in a flirty type of tone

"Yeah and Naya Im really happy that I met you today and im glad you felt that way about dinner. I thought it was perfect just like you." she said trying to hide her blushing face

"Would you like to come in" I said not really wanting her to leave

"sure"she said while I was unlocking the door

"Where is Kaya" she said looking around 

"She is at her aunt Diana's house, um do you want to watch a movie or something" I said while looking through my movie collection

"Yeah I would love that can we watch something scary" she said with a smirk on her face

"Sure" I popped in the movie and we both sat on the couch. We were 30 minutes into the movie until I felt a hand on my leg. When I looked up Heather was staring right at me with those deep blue ocean eyes. 

"Heather are you ok" I said looking at her with a confused look

"After this I will be" she said staring at my lips

Then all of a sudden I felt her lips crash into mine. I relaxed into the and kissed back. I felt her hands on my waist and I reacted by wrapping her arms around her neck. We made out on the couch for about 8 minutes and it was just magical. It soon esculated when Heather started kissing and sucking my neck I moan in reponse. I wanted her but I need to have some type of respect for my body. It just I havent been initimate in 3 years and she was really turning me on. But i barely know her and I cant just think about me anymore my actions affect Kaya as well.

"Are you sure you want to do this" she asked not really confident about my answer

"No not really, look Heather I really like you and you turn me on but I have a daughter to think about. Please respect that." I said with a serious look across my face

"I respect that and I really enjoyed tonight. Sorry if I pushed you to far that was my bad and I really want to spend some more time with you some other time. Well I got to go I got work in the morning but I am really sorry I will call you bye" she said while rushing out the door 

I can tell she was really sorry but to be honest I kind of led her on. Whatever I just hope we will see each other again.


It Complicated (Heya Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ