Officially a Family

Start from the beginning

My eyes widen. "You don't mean–"

"Let's go. They're waiting for us," Barry says, dashing off.

I follow and we stop at a familiar house. Wally greets us on the front porch.

"Hey, sis," Wally grins. "It's about time you got here."

"Oh my God! Seriously?!" I turn to Barry happily.

He nods. "Welcome home, niece."

I pull the two in a big hug. "I love you guys!"

Wally separates, grabbing my hand and racing past his parents and the team that are inside waiting for me. "You gotta see your room. The team pitched in to make it."

"Is that why you all were gone that one day? Did everyone know about this?"

"Yes and yes," he says, stopping us in front of a door. "Here's your room." He moves out of the way.

I open the door, giving him a weary glance before going inside. My eyes widen, everywhere I look is a touch of each team member. "You guys... are awesome."

"I know," Wally smugly says.

On the bedside table is a picture of all of us at the beach. Next to it is another picture. It's a picture of my parents and I before the particle accelerator failed. I move up to it picking it up.

"How did you get this?" I ask.

Wally points to a few large suitcases in the corner of the room. "All of those things are your parents things. Barry has the rest of it in his attic. He said that you can sort through it when you're ready."

I wipe away a stray tear before looking around the rest of the room. Beside the bed on a large dog bed is Storm. She looks up at me with what I can imagine to be a grin.

"Even Storm knew!" I huff.

Wally laughs.

A knock interrupts his laugh. We turn to the door to see the team standing there with smiles.

"You two are siblings now!" Megan squeals. "I'm so happy for you!"


"Aura you need to run!" dad shouts at me.
"Not without you and mom!"
An explosion washes over us. A large ceiling tile cracks and falls toward us. Mom and dad push me out the way. I turn to them reaching out for them, watching the life flow from their eyes before my vision fades to darkness.

"After all we did for you," Joker scolds. "You decide to be a hero." He raises his knife, plunging it into me repeatedly all while laughing. "Let me set you straight."

"You've killed," Batman growls. "You're off the team and heading to the asylum with your father."

"You'll regret becoming a hero," Poison Ivy says, wrapping a vine around each of my limbs and pulling them in different directions.

"Daughter? Niece?" Barry glares. "How could a killer ever be related to me?"

"How could I let a murderer be my sister?" Wally grunts.

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