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School is really important: Reading, writing, arithmetic.But what they tend to do is teach you Reading, writing, arithmetic..... then teach you Reading, writing, arithmetic again.Then again, then agian and again and again, making it harder just to make students busy. And that's where I think they messed up. There should be a class on drugs. There should be a class on celebrities. No Real celebrities in the class ... not just pictures and all but they should be present there atleast some of us can meet the one's we are crazy about....There should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cults, there should be a class on poverty in our country, there should be class on why people are hungry ... why people are on streets, but there aren't classes on all this, instead their are but on gym.... their class is like  Algebra. We have to go to a store and say "Can I have XY + 2 and give me my Y change back, thankyou." You know?....
Like foreign languages I think they are important but I don't think it should be required. Actually they (schools) should be teaching us English and then teach us how to understand a duoble talk, politician's double talk. Not teaching us how to understand all languages like French, German, Spanich and all
When am I going to Germany? I can't even think of going there ... when I'm able to see needy people over here!

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