Chapter Thirteen Unexpected Dinner Guest

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A couple of days later as October began to bring with it the fall season the weather turned cool and I started to need my coat when going to school. Ayden and I had discussed various ways of bringing Darius down, but all were complicated. He seemed to be a strong enough vampire that the two of us could not pull off most of the plans easily, since I was only human and no one else we knew was or could be on our side. Josh and Ayden were becoming fast buddies which kind of annoyed me. I did not understand what their bond was.

On this particular breezy chilly evening my dad called me down for dinner saying we had a guest. This was rare. Ayden was out doing his feeding which honestly grossed me out a little bit, but comes with having a vampire boyfriend. Darius had not shown up for lunch since Monday. Beth seemed unaware and I am sure it was the vampires mind control trick, so she wouldn’t suspect a thing about him or his involvement with Ayden and me.

Unfortunately as I got downstairs to the kitchen for dinner, I was shocked that Darius was sitting in my kitchen having a beer and talking pleasantly with my father. Shit! My dad had invited him in. He had no idea who he was.

“Cail Bell! There you are! I’d like you to meet Darius Vincarian,” that was an interesting last name. I wondered if it was real, “he made a large donation to the fire fighters ladder down foundation so the least I could do was offer him dinner,” my dad explained exuberantly when I looked confused. He had, had more than one beer. So Darius had money, I assumed he did since Ayden obviously did.

“How generous of him,” my voice dripped with disdain. Darius just smiled pleasantly at me and extended his hand.

“A pleasure to meet you Cailyn,” he said putting up a front. I shook his hand and tried to squeeze as hard as I could.

“It has been awhile since I have been in these parts Mr. Baxter,” Darius continued with his conversation with my father. I had no desire to join in.

I decided to set the table instead. Their conversation was simple and he was using all his charm on my dad. It was making me angry. My dad was still busy cooking his meal. So I went into the living room to watch some TV while I waited. I wish he would have called me down when it was ready but it would have been rude with a guest. Maybe I could try to get some answers since he was here. After a few minutes, Darius sauntered into the living room.

“Your father got busy with the food, should only be a few more minutes” he had a devilish smirk on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I said full of anger.

“Being a good citizen oh and Beth wanted me to tell you the photos are in,” he plopped down onto my couch as if he owned the place, a few feet away from me with a smile on his face.

“Noted, Cut the bullshit Darius,” I snapped. He smiled at me, glad that he was getting under my skin.

“If you hurt my father I swear to god….”

“Cailyn no, I have no intention of hurting your father. I only want Ayden to suffer, unfortunately you are the means by which I am to accomplish this, not your father,” he interrupted me speaking as if this was a normal conversation. He looked at me and I could see the intentions in his smoky eyes. Something else flickered in them as well that looked like hunger or desire.

“Why don’t you just kill Ayden yourself?” I snapped at him.

“Because actually Cailyn I physically cannot,” he said sincerely.

“Huh?” I was confused now. He chuckled maliciously.

“All in good time sweetheart,” I grimaced at him as he just smirked. My father called that dinner was ready now. I glared at Darius and stormed into the kitchen. I was hungry and my dad made his famous Stroganoff. He was a decent cook.

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