Inspirational Quote from Intelleblue (Yes You Will.)

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"Yes, you will make bad work. Yes, you will write stories that you will look back on and wonder why you didn't get professional help. Yes, you will draw things that look like a baby ate crayons and vomited them up onto the paper. Yes, you will make things you'll regret making. Yes, you will fail. But, no, it does not have to stay bad. No, you can figure out how to write better. No, you can get inspiration from others. No, you can discover how to make things you will enjoy making. No, you can learn to be better. Then, yes, you will write stories that will make people laugh, cry, or do both at the same time. Yes, you will make art that looks like it belongs next to Andy Warhol and Vincent Van Gogh. Yes, you will  create works of art and creativity the likes of which the world has never seen. Then..."

"Yes, you will succeed."

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