From the Ashes

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A Quick Explanation:

All of my writing is heavily influenced by my headcanons, and this work is no exception. Therefore, I think a brief explanation is necessary.

I headcanon Fukase to be the imaginary friend of Oliver, and that Fukase is a ragdoll that was brought to life by magic in a fire that killed Oliver's parents. I also headcanon that Yohioloid is Oliver from the future, who returned to unsuccessfully try and save his parents. He then took Oliver and his sister Mayu in to treat them like his little brother and sister. Yohioloid is the only adult who can actually see Fukase because Fukase is his imaginary friend; Fukase is like a ghost to any other adult but is visible to other children.

Okay, that should be all you need to know to understand what's going on. I hope you enjoy~






The door slammed shut and echoed through the now empty room. Flames slowly poured into the room, lapping over the belongings left behind. Books, toys, clothing, and shreds of discarded homework blackened in the sizzling heat.

Even the favorite doll, forgotten in a moment, was left to burn on the ground before the door.

But as the flames reached the limp ragdoll and began to tear into its fibers, a different transformation took place.

In an instant, the doll grew several times its original size. The yarn sewn to its head thinned into hair, and its limbs grew longer, gaining fingers and toes and becoming flesh. The paper clothes it had worn stretched into cloth and adjusted to the doll's new height. With a mischievous grin, the doll's mismatched buttons and stitches twisted into a face. The flames continued to work their destruction, but the doll's magic silently defied them. Even the accessories the doll had been given sprang to life with it.

With a gasp, the doll sat up and opened his eyes. He blinked in the heat, billowing smoke obscuring his vision. He looked around madly, lost and confused. Nothing looked familiar.

Where am I? his mind raced. The roaring fire frightened him and scattered his thoughts like a raging, glowing beast. Who am I?

As his eyes explored the room, he looked down and realized his arm was still on fire. Startled, he shook his arm violently until the flames dissipated.

Well, I can't stay here! He nimbly leapt to his feet but nearly lost his balance and flailed wildly. Steadying himself, he looked down and noticed he was wearing high-heeled boots. That's definitely not going to help, he grumbled.

A strange thumping sound behind him caught his ears, and he turned around. The cane that had been left beside him was standing at attention, lightly hopping on its one, clawed foot. He grinned and took hold of it, swinging it a few times for good measure. It fit perfectly in his hand.

As he prepared to leave, he made one last glance around the room, which was now engulfed in towering flames. A movement by his feet stopped him, and he bent down. A small, white doll was trying to get his attention, its floppy limbs flailing jerkily.

"Who are you?" he asked, grinning. He blinked and touched his throat, startled by the sound of his own voice. The little doll gestured frantically but made no sound. "Right, right—leave now, introductions later!" he agreed. Picking up the little creature, he tucked it carefully under his hat.

With a grating rumble, the ceiling started to collapse. He turned, frozen in fear. Part of the ceiling crashed to the ground and blocked the door. The air thickened with the dust of the ceiling and the growing smoke.

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