Chapter Twenty-One

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** Just a head's up there will be a time jump in this chapter.  I wanted to speed along her pregnancy since she only had two months left anyway and I was really excited for Rose and Harry's baby to be born that I couldn't wait any longer.


It was the last week Rose would be pregnant and she was cherishing her time that she had left.  She had stopped taking on Royal engagements during her last month of pregnancy as Harry didn't want the stress put on her.  She rarely left the comfort of their own home and when she did it was to walk around the beautiful gardens or over to William and Kate's apartment.

Big changes were happening in the Sussex household.  One of them being was that the couple had finally decided on a home.  It was in the beautiful country side and it would be where the couple would spend the first month as new parents.  The Queen also wanted them to stay close and decided to give them an apartment for a house in Kensington Palace that would be ready as soon as they needed it.  They were also gifted another home by the Queen, their granny.  Highgrove House.  

It wasn't permanent but they would be staying there while everything was being put into their new country home.  Although Charles and Camilla owned it as of right now, he felt as though his son and daughter-in-law would love staying there while raising their son.  And he was right.  Harry had so many fond memories growing up at Highgrove House that he got a little emotional and had to leave the room when his granny and father presented him and his wife with the news leaving Rose to comfort her husband.

Although Highgrove House wasn't technically their's, it meant a lot to them to be able to spend the first month or so raising their son in and creating new memories in the house Harry's late mother and father had brought him and Will to.

It was New Years Eve and Rose's family had flown in to be with the couple for New Years seeing as her due date was approaching soon.  All except one person.  


"He's where?" Rose shrieked as her eyes grew wide.

She couldn't believe that her brother wasn't here.  To celebrate this big moment in her life and make it about him.

Right now they were at William and Kate's apartment having a party to ring in the New Year of 2016.  The women were all dressed in their fancy dresses while the men were in their tux's.  Rose was dressed in beautiful navy blue silk and lace maternity evening gown that was floor length and it looked amazing on her baby bump.  The gown was made of the finest silk with delicate black lace detailing across her shoulders for an on-trend peek-a-boo effect, and a black sash in pure silk ties at the back to define her shape, which Harry loved. 

They were celebrating bringing in the New Years with their loved ones and were having a great time so far even though Rose knew her younger brother wasn't here and she wasn't sure why.  Matt and Melanie were here and even brought Alana, which Rose was in shock about as she didn't expect them to even be here with their daughter.

Allison was nervous.  She had been so incredibly nervous to deliver this news to her daughter.  She didn't want Nathan to do it though just in case Nathan was mean about it to Rose.

"He's where?" Rose shrieked as quietly as she could, not wanting to disturb the other guests.

"He, um, went to Cozumel and he's going to propose to Jessica."

"Propose?" Rose repeated the word quietly as she could feel her eyes welling up with tears.  "Why would he do that now?" Her voice cracked.  "Of all times when I'm about to give birth any day now."

Harry looked around the room for his wife as he spotted her talking with her mum with what looked like an intense conversation.  He could see the heartbreak etched across her face and could feel the sadness she felt.  He wasn't sure why she would be feeling this way.  This was meant to be a happy time.  It was the day before New Years Eve and they were surrounded by family.  He knew that Nathan hadn't shown up and it angered him to see his wife upset.

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