"Heels really?" I asked.

"Yup." I grabbed her purse and keys and headed to the car. When we arrived at school Sofia was irking my nerves constantly asking why Jen was in the car.

"If you haven't realized that is his girlfriend and baby mother." I said.

We stopped by our lockers.

"Why you been reading my messages but not responding?"

I felt Romeo wrap his arms around me.

"My bad, I got my phone took so I'm pretty sure that was my dad." I closed my locker and he grabbed my books out my hand.

"It's coo when you get it back!?"

"When I buy another one my dad broke it." I said humping my shoulders.

"I'll get you a new one." "I'm good but thanks anyway."

He walked me to first block.

"So Tupac really yo neighbor?" Some girl asked me.

"Why?" "Wasn't that you and Sofia?"

"Ion know." I kept walking.

"Ight baby have a good day." he kissed my lips.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To meet up with some friends." "So you skipping?" "Shhh, I was never here for all they know so I'm actually absent." "Right." I said being sarcastic.

As the day went by Sofia avoided me and all I could think about was my momma.

We was in the last block of the day.

"If it isn't miss goody goody." Brianna said.

She lives to make my life hell.

"What Brianna?" We used to be friends when we was younger but she started to change.

"Oh nothing just came to speak." "Aw."

I turned in my seat and looked at the board.

"Boujee Bitch." I heard I just ignored her.

I only have two classes to take because I did all of em my last three years.

"Morning Class, Miss.Brown." my teacher said.

I heard groans come from everybody.

He passed out exams, this was our last week of school. This was Calculus and I've always been good at math he turned the music on and left us to it.

People was whispering for answers and some had phones out.

I just went through each question answering them.

"Ummm, Mr.Landstort Naomi's cheating." Brianna yelled out.

He walked over to me.

"Hands." I showed him my empty hands, I didn't wear a purse, "Phone?" He asked.

"It's broke, I'm not cheating have I ever cheated?"

"Miss Landcaster go to the other side of the room." he told her.

"My apologies." he walked off.

I finished my test within the next 40 minutes.

I walked to his desk.

"Can I go to the library?" "You're done already?" He asked. I nodded.

He wrote me a pass and dismissed me. "Come back later for your grade." "Okay."

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