19. passionate

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Deliberations were already over for the day so Simon and Amanda were able to spend time together without fighting over acts. David and Alesha asked them if they would watch Alesha's daughter, Azura, and their daughter Beatrix for a few hours so David and Alesha could go on a date.

Amanda and Simon said that they could watch the kids at Simon's house as Hollie, Lexi, and Eric were already there with Eric's nanny. Eric's nanny had left after she had made sure that Amanda and Simon were going to be alright with five children in the house, three of them under the age of five.

Amanda sat in Simon's recliner chair with Beatrix in her arms, rocking her and trying to get the baby girl to sleep after having her bottle. Amanda rocked Beatrix back and forth in her arms. Lexi came up to Amanda and she asked if she could hold Beatrix and try to get her to sleep because Amanda was struggling to.

Amanda had Lexi take her spot in the recliner chair and helped her to hold Beatrix correctly. Lexi grinned when Beatrix cuddled up to her chest and fell asleep easily. Amanda took a picture and sent it to Alesha and David so they could see Lexi holding their daughter.

Lexi gave Beatrix back to Amanda and Amanda put the infant girl into her portable crib to sleep. Lexi went back upstairs to the playroom, where Hollie and Eric and Azura were playing on the X Box. Amanda sank back into the recliner, exhausted from trying to get Beatrix to sleep.

Simon came up from behind and he kissed the top of Amanda's head. He had watched Amanda for a few minutes when she had been feeding Beatrix from the bottle and had gone upstairs to keep an eye on the younger kids, playing an X Box game with them.

"Struggling a little to take care of a newborn?" He asked, taking a look at Beatrix sleeping peacefully in the portable crib.

"Yes. Hollie and Lexi had been easier to get to sleep when they were newborns. I think that Alesha does skin to skin with Beatrix to get her to sleep though," Amanda replied. She got up from the recliner and Simon hugged her from behind.

"You could have done that with Beatrix. I'm sure she would have liked it if you did," Simon said, sitting down in the recliner and Amnda sat on top of his lap. "I would have liked to see it."

"You would have only liked to see it because my breasts would have been completely exposed. I think Alesha breastfeeds while she's doing skin to skin at night if she does. That could be why it took so long to get her daughter to sleep," Amanda spoke, leaning her head into Simon's shoulder and he put his arms around her.

"I will admit that I would have liked to see your breasts naked but I can see them tonight if you want to have sex if you're not too tired," Simon replied sheepishly. Amanda rolled her eyes and she got up from her place on Simon's lap.

"Maybe," Amanda responded. "I'm going to go get ready for bed and tell the kids to go to bed. It's too late for all of them except for Lexi to still be up."

"I might as well go tuck them in and get ready for bed myself. Should I bring Beatrix up with us in case she wakes up?" Simon asked his girlfriend. Amanda nodded and she went upstairs to get ready for bed.


Simon was cuddling Amanda after Beatrix and Azura were picked up by David and Alesha later that night. He kissed her forehead and she leaned more into his arms.

"I'm falling in love with you, Amanda," Simon whispered to her.

"I'm falling in love with you too, Simon," Amanda replied. She kissed his cheek softly and then laid down, facing him. "I really am."

He laid down beside her and he turned so his body was facing her. Amanda positioned herself so her forehead was against Simon's chest. They were both in pyjamas, a change from what they normally went to bed in. Simon wrapped his arm around Amanda's back, putting it on the small of her back. Simon leaned down and he kissed the top of Amanda's head for the second time that day.

She smiled into his chest and she looked up at him. She kissed him softly on the lips, lovingly and he kissed her back just as lovingly. They both raised their eyebrows at how loving the kiss had been.

Amanda and Simon realized that they really were falling in love with each other. If they kissed like that, it meant they were falling in love with each other or they were both in love with each other. They kissed again, just as softly and lovingly. Simon smiled into the kiss and he continued to kiss his girlfriend until they were forced to part so they could breath.

Amanda took a breath and she smiled at him. She kissed his lips again and she positioned herself so her forehead was against her boyfriend's chest again. It felt wonderful that they were kissing each other like that.

Simon moved his hand back onto the small of Amanda's back again and moved so she would be more comfortable to sleep in her current position. Amanda was smiling into Simon's chest as her eyes began to shut. She could feel Simon breathing steadily and she could hear his heartbeat through his clothes.

It was relaxing to hear those sounds coming from Simon. He fell asleep and his breathing continued to be steady but he started to snore. It was amazing that their kisses were becoming passionate and loving. It probably wouldn't be that long until they started to make love to each other, maybe by the time of their next date they would start to make love.

I love you, Simon Cowell Amanda thought in her mind as she fell asleep.

[_] hey guys! I got a kick out of writing the last sentence in this chapter because of what it says. I hope that you guys liked it. What do you think is going to happen next and what did you love about this chapter? Bye until the next chapter!

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