Twenty Two - "Nothing but b*tches."

Start from the beginning

"Not even for you..."

"Fuck." His head fell in his hands and silently, Eddie began to cry into his palms. He couldn't imagine being in Derry without her, the couple had been best friends since they were twelve and they'd been together since they were thirteen. The thought alone sickened him. Even with Bill and Ben and Mike by his side he'd still feel alone without her.

"Eddie..." Lyds sighed as she wrapped her small arms around his crying figure, "I love you."

"This is it, isn't it?" He spoke through his tears, "You're breaking up with me, five fucking years together and you're breaking up with me!"

"I'm not the one doing this Eddie, we were supposed to leave together-"

"Don't you get that I can't do that?" The Kaspbrak boy suddenly yelled, causing the much shorter girl to jump back in fear. He'd never yelled at her before.

Mutedly, Lyds climbed to her feet, grabbed her bag from the end of the couch and slipped Eddie's sweater from over her shoulders. Without even looking him in the eyes she handed the sweater back to him, threw her backpack over her shoulders and walked out of the empty house.

For a while the blonde girl walked down the street in silence, summer rain was casted down on her over and over again until the thin t-shirt and denim shorts she wore were soaked through. There was nothing left for her in Derry, in that moment she knew it.

She'd drifted away from Bill, Mike and Ben a few months earlier, she hadn't spoken to Bev in years, and now that Eddie was gone too, the pieces in the puzzle that was her life had all fallen into place. New York was the place she belonged, with Stan and Richie.







"You're sure you've got everything you need?"

"Yes Uncle Sam..." Lyds rolled her eyes

"And you've got snacks for the trip and those cassettes I gave you because it's an eight hour trip and I know you're going to get bored since you've got to drive for so long-"

"Sam, you're seven years older than me. I get you're my uncle but you're acting like a grandma."

"Get in your car before I run you over with it." The older man laughed, ruffling his niece's hair with his left hand.

"Okay, okay."

The blonde lifted her backpack further into her shoulder as she made her way over to the rusted car. Before she could even reach the doors, Sam was stood back beside her.

"What now?" She asked

"You're sure you don't want to say goodbye to Eddie?"

"Why would I?" She shrugged, "Okay I really need to go Sam, I gotta pick up the boys and right now Stan's probably going ape shit about how late I am.

"Okay. Have a safe trip kiddo, I love you." The Brown haired boy called out as his niece climbed inside the car and waved him goodbye

"Love you too Sam!"

And with that Lydia Greystone turned out of the driveway and sped off down the street towards her new life with her two best friends, and without Eddie Kaspbrak.

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now