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Tristan was walking along the street heading to the Crap Shack to spend some time with Rory that evening. He was lost in thought when suddenly caught his eye. Across the street he saw Jess leaving Sophie's music shop with Lane. He watched as they laughed together. He went closer, making sure he stayed out of sight, and heard the end of the conversation.

"So same time tomorrow?" Lane asked.

"Yeah. And remember..." Jess said.

"No telling Charlotte. I know. That's sort of a given." Lane joked.

Jess chuckled. "Yeah. And no telling Rory either because she would tell Charlotte." He said.

"Got it." Lane nodded. "So tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." He nodded.

"Bye Jess." She smiled.

"Bye." Jess said before they both walked off in opposite directions.

Tristan didn't know what to think. What was it that they were doing that they couldn't tell Charlotte or Rory? He hated to think of the worst situation. He watched Jess disappear into the diner before he continued to walk to the Crap Shack.

Once there, he was greeted by Rory. "Hey!" She smiled.

"Hey." He smiled giving her a kiss. He followed Rory into the living room where Lorelai and Charlotte were.

"Hi Tristan!" Lorelai gave him a warm smile.

"Hi." He smiled. "Hey Charlotte."

"Hey!" Charlotte smiled.

"Right I'm going to go order food! Chinese ok for everyone?" Lorelai said getting up. Everyone nodded so she went off to order it.

"So...is Jess coming as well?" Tristan asked sitting down on the couch with Rory.

"No. He's doing an extra shift at Wal-Mart this evening apparently." Charlotte said.

"Oh...right." Tristan said, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Oooh I'm going to make sure mom orders some egg fried rice." Charlotte said getting up and disappearing into the kitchen.

Rory glanced at Tristan. "Are you ok?" She asked. "You look conflicted."

Tristan sighed. "Jess isn't at Wal-Mart." He told her.

"What?" Rory frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I saw him when I was on my way here." He said. "He was coming out of Sophie's shop...with Lane."

"Oh..." Rory frowned. "Well maybe he was buying some music before his shift..."

Tristan shook his head. "He went back to the diner afterwards and I heard him talking to Lane. It was...weird..."

"What do you mean?"

"Lane asked him if he wanted to do it the same time tomorrow." Tristan told her. "Jess said yes and then made sure Lane knew not to tell Charlotte or you..."

"That could mean anything..." Rory said.

"Rory..." Tristan sighed. "They were laughing together and looked like they were getting along really well..."

"What, so you're saying Jess is cheating on Charlotte with Lane? No, that's crazy! He wouldn't do that to her. And with Lane? We've been best friends with Lane since we were kids. She wouldn't do that to Charlotte either." Rory said shaking her head.

"I'm just telling you what I saw and heard. It didn't sit right." Tristan said.

"Well ok...but don't mention it to Charlotte. Not yet anyway. It could still mean nothing." Rory said.

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