Chapter 3

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Mangle's p.o.v

I let out a sigh as his eyes locked on me, it was really uncomfortable. I felt nervous so I tried looking around at my surroundings.The mood intensified between us, it remained that way until he spoke breaking the silence.

"Okay, first off, why the hell are you trying to kill us?" He asked his eyes still focused on me, glaring. "As I-I said be-before I was forced t-to" I stuttered. He sighed I knew he was thinking on whether or not to believe me or not.

I shifted uncomfortably in the chair I was in it's so awkward. My tail twitched worriedly, Freddy will kill me if I don't meet up with him soon. There were some more questions that he had asked and I answered truthfully.

He had told me to wait here. So I listened, and now here I am waiting for him to come back from discussing the situation with his crew members. I shifted uncomfortably again hoping to ease the anxiety that was continuing to bubble up inside me.

It fumbled with my hands as I waited patiently for his return, hoping he'd let me go. My tail shot up as I heard him walking towards me. "Okay, you're gonna have to meet up with me after you talk to your boss or whatever. Here he clipped a little miniature device to my ear.

"This will show us what you're up too and a tracking device. If you so much as take it off I will track you down and shoot your ass. Understood..?" He staid strictly "y-yes" I stuttered. "Now leave!" He said point towards the direction I came from.

I started running towards the establishment, my body almost gave out as I entered the not so welcoming pizzeria. I met face to face with Freddy I gulp as his reaction wasn't nothing good, I was dead. For sure.

"What the hell do you have on your ear.?!" He yelled ripping it off and investigating it. "Why the hell do you have this on you?" He yelled again punching me in the stomach. I clenched my stomach in pain. He kept punching me constantly.

I tried to prepare for the impact but it was just too much to handle. I cried silently as I saw an unexpected sight, Crimson liquid forming into a puddle beneath me. My eyes widen in shock. That couldn't be possible...

Right? Animatronics don't bleed! They are lifeless souls trapped inside metal! This can't be right... What the fuck am I? I closed my eyes as I felt the last blow of impact. I was probably out of it but then I felt a pair of arms pick me up and put me in my room, I had felt something soft but cold rub against me.

Like some type of ointment or something. I shivered at the sudden sensation of coldness touching me. I breathed in heavily, struggling to at least provide oxygen for my lungs. If I had any.

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