Hello Mr. Jimin Park. We would like to inform you that you have passed the entrance exam needed to enter Rosentela Fields High School. We are glad to have a new student. And we will be seeing you on Monday Mr. Park.

Thank you so much Sir/Maam!

Jimin sat on his bed whilst holding his phone in his hand, smiling. He couldn't believe that he got accepted because the test he took was hard as hell. Turning off his phone he walked to his mother and told her about the good news.

"I knew you would pass! That's really great sweetie!!" She wrapped her arms around her sons tall frame as Jimin did the same. Wrapping his mothers body with his arms.

"So when are you going to school?" His mother fixed her hair and continued to wash the dishes.

As soon as his mother asked him that he started sweating. He was getting nervous about his first day. "On Monday." He smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh? At least we've got your new uniform ready along with your new stuff" She smiled while wiping her hands on her apron.

Jimin kept a smile on his face but his eyes were fixed on the floor.

His daze was soon interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly dashed to his room an picked up his phone after almost tripping. He answered the phone quickly without looking at who's calling.

"Hello?!" He sat and fixed himself on his bed while holding his phone to his ear.

"Annyeong Jiminieee!"

Jimin recognized the voice instantly and responded with a smile and a happy tone.

"Hi Hobii!! What's up?"

"Remember Rosentela Fields High?"


"I'll be entering that school too along with Jungkookiee!"

His face lit up more as he stood up quickly. "Really?! How about we hang out today? Bring Jungkook along!"

"Oh! Suree! Meet ya at the cafe Jiminie! Were already here."

Jimin hung up and quickly checked his appearance in the mirror. He played around with his blonde hair before rushing out the door.

"I'll be hanging out with Hoseok mom! Be back by 6 pm!" He said before leaving the house, grabbing his cap, running.

"Okay! Take care!"


Jimin kept running in a rush to see his friends in order not to make them wait for too long. He had his crescent moon shaped eyes due to his wide smile. He couldn't see that clearly but he was too excited to care. He missed his friends.

"Oommpph!" Jimin said along with someone else as they both fell down on the rough, concrete ground. He rubbed the back of his head while giving out a groan as he sat up. Soon, he looked the person he bumped into and just sat on the sidewalk in awe. His jaw dropped because of the girls appearance. Her hair was short. Triangular shaped eyes that look really pretty and faire shin.

He closed his mouth and helped out the girl in front of him, holding her by the arm.

"I'm really sorry." Jimin whispered and helped the girl up to her feet again gently, as the female gave a soft moan cause of the pain.

"Are you okay?" The male asked while examining the girl up and down to check for bruises or scratches. He saw a scrape on her knee and widened his eyes.

"You're hurt. Should I treat that for you?" The girl didn't answer any of Jimins questions. She just averted Jimins gaze as Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of the her face while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't bother me. I'm fine. Bye." The girl walked away after picking up her bag and flipped her hair.

"Sheesh harsh..." Jimin whispered to himself and continued his way to the cafe.


"Seriously?!" Hoseok laughed while slapping his knee. "That was rough man." He laughed as did Jungkook.

"Don't laugh guys... I was starstruck and she just broke my heart instantly..." Jimin groaned and pulled on his hair.

"Fine fine." Jungkook smiled and patted the older mans back. "Do you at least know her name hyung?"


"Aish. Sad lifeu Jimin." Jungkook teased and grinned.

"Shut up." Jimin snapped at the younger male.

"Mmkay." Jungkook replied, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Okay. Jimin! Mission, find that girl and know her name is ongoing!!" Hoseok said raising his fist as he stood up.

Jimin just facepalmed and sighed deeply.

Who was she?


Annyeong chinggu! I hope youre enjoying this so far. You can actually guess who the girl was. A member of bangtan, genderbent. ;-; Okayyy keep reading and kamsa for checking this out!~

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