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Ok yang buku ni pahin guna utk exam ngan personal.utk page depan pahin guna utk buat notes ape yg masuk exam XD

utk page depan pahin guna utk buat notes ape yg masuk exam XD

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and blakang pahin guna utk salin p.word(slalu lupa password) or utk diy planner+random doodle

word(slalu lupa password) or utk diy planner+random doodle

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tbh before pahin update diy,pahin akn plan dulu ape nak buat pe sume,pahin just tampal ii random pic kat buku ni

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tbh before pahin update diy,pahin akn plan dulu ape nak buat pe sume,pahin just tampal ii random pic kat buku ni.


Notes,yg ni pahin mmg syorkan korang buat style ni

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Notes,yg ni pahin mmg syorkan korang buat style lbh kurang cm flashcard.korang just bahagikan a4 kpd 8 bahagian then potong.pastu punch kat ats hujung kertas and pahin just  guna paperclip utk jdkan as ring benda ni



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Ok kadang ii,pahin bosan gak kalo asyik baca notes itam putih je,tp pahin tk suka notes yg meriah sgt HAHAHAH so pahin decide utk lukis gmbr

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Ok kadang ii,pahin bosan gak kalo asyik baca notes itam putih je,tp pahin tk suka notes yg meriah sgt HAHAHAH so pahin decide utk lukis first nak buat cm aesthetic tp cm tk jadi je HAHAHAHAH


Tbh pahin nyesal sbb before spm,pahin tk makan ramen puas ii

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Tbh pahin nyesal sbb before spm,pahin tk makan ramen puas da start spm gelabah cuz tk dpt nk mkn pahin nasihatkan bfore exam makan la ramen,megi puas ii


If korang follow buku ni,korang mst tau ape name dorang HAHAHAHAHAH

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If korang follow buku ni,korang mst tau ape name dorang HAHAHAHAHAH.sape kat sini ada pokok sndr?for me plants mcm ni just buat pahin jd more +ve,idk why tp bila pahin cm gelabah or what,pahin terus ak siram dorang and im okay lpass tu HAHAHAH cm tk btol je


Selain pokok,kucing pun bleh buat pahin tenang

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Selain pokok,kucing pun bleh buat pahin tenang.KORANG SUKA KUCING TAK?sapa kat sini slalu ckp dgn kucing?HAHAHAHAH nampk cm gila enn tp best auu and kucing pahin jenis yg melayan je tuan dia HAHAHAHAH ♥♥♥

so pahin harap korang suka update kali ni and nanti pahin update must have item start next week★

Q N A  T I M E

Q: nickname kat rumah ape?
Q: baju raya this year colour ape?


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