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Ambrose's POV

Look my young wolf you are going to have to leave me my mother, Lupa, says to me

Where will I go I asked her, and she tilted her head in thought, and then she shuddered from head to tail 

Even though I do not like them. I made a deal with your father to send you to a special camp for...things... like you she said after a while of thought

Who is my father I tried to ask, but I was interrupted by the sound of a loud conch horn 

You have to go my son Lupa said quickly for if they find you then they will tied me up and then torture you in-front of me, and I don't want to lose my only child, so go. I stayed where I was not wanting to go away from my mother NOW!! she yelled at me making me yelp in fear and start to run. I ran until I was five miles away, and I searched for my bond with her, but felt nothing. She had cut it off from me knowing of what was going to happen to her. Then I felt a  large pain at my side, and I knew that they had killed her, and dispersed her so that she would stay dead. 

The people that killed her were very good god killers Luna had told me, and she said when they come for me they will kill me, and make sure that I will stay dead and unable to reform. You will not change, but when I die you will feel a tearing sensation in your soul and body. When you do you will know what has happened, but you will not come back for me. I have taught you to be strong in fighting, but you will have to be strong in your heart and soul for this battle to not come and kill the killers of me.

I remembered this and slowly dragged on knowing that they would not be searching for me, and that my mother had kept me a secret from all. I dragged on forever in pain, and sorrow. After a couple of days, or weeks. I could not tell. I heard what sounded like loud yelling from in-front of me, but I was far too tired to try and listen to their confusing language. I smelled water on my left, and slowly went over to it. Going at a snails pace with legs shaking and body tired, hurt, and broken, and when I looked behind me I saw blurred figures and shiny sticks. I couldn't make out what they were, and so I kept on to the lake. I collapsed three feet away, and went into a peaceful, and needed slumber. 

Artemis' POV

"Mistress, come quickly" Phoebe said poking her head into my tent for a second. I stepped out, and followed her quietly with my bow and an arrow at ready. Then I saw a large blue wolf sleeping near one of our lagoons, and three of my hunters aiming at it with arrows ready. 

"Just give us the order and we will finish it off" one of them said 

"What happened" I said "did he attack you"

"No" Thalia said "we saw a large blue wolf coming this way, so we got ready to kill it in case it attacked, but it seemed to not be interested in us. It smelled the water, and went over to it, but collapsed before it got there" 

"Huh, girls stand down, I'll take care of this one myself" I said and they lowered their weapons to let me pass "get some water, and a stretcher. We are going to bring him to our camp" and they did as I said. Getting water and returning with a large stretcher, and they lifted up the wolves head and poured the water down it's throat forcefully and tried to put him on a stretcher. After a few tries to flip him over, and then trying to pick him up to carry they gave up and looked at me. 

"It...I mean he is too heavy to move" one of my hunters said

"Then I will carry him" I said and picked him up after with some needed effort. How is he his heavy I thought no wolf has been this heavy before, and he has a very powerful aura surrounding him. It was my first hard task since the giant battle with Gaea and the others, but this wolf had something that I couldn't figure out. I brought him to my tent and lay him on the floor for him to rest in safety and peace. He was a mixture of all of the blues, light blue, neon blue, sea blue, and darker blues. He also had three blue gemstones embedded into his head, and he was at least five feet tall at the shoulders, almost six to the head, and he was at least seven feet  long, and he was still young. Maybe sixteen, or seventeen years old in wolf years and one to three in human years. Then I walked out of the tent and went to check on my hunters. 

Ambrose: Son of Luna and PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now