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Vídeo Above: Sia - The Greatest

I tell you to be happy, not because I am happy, but because I know how it feels to be sad.

I tell you to stay positive, not because I am positive, but because I know how it feels to be negative.

I tell you to have faith, not because I have faith, but because I know how it feels to lack.

I tell you to be optimistic, not because I am an optimist but because I know how it feels to be a pessimist.

I tell you persevere, not because I push but because I know how it feels to let go.


If you find yourself in situations where you ask,"why me?" you are a special one. Never underestimate the power of your pain. Don't look another person life with jealousy and envy due to the fact the are living 'the life' and you are not.

Whatever you are going through is only for the experience. It shall pass. I feel so accomplished each time I make a new mistake, not because I did something wrong but because I will never make that mistake again.

Scientists use rodents as models in medical testing. The next time you get sick or if you are currently struggling with a minor or even terminal illness, look at it as God using you for his experiments.
He wants to know that he has a few people that can boldly say 'I almost died, but look at me now, healed.'

Look at your situation as a test which must be passed in order to help others pass theirs. Your circumstances are not yours, the knowledge and experience which it create is what belongs to you.

Biblical Wisdom: Proverbs 3:15

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