Girlfriend Guru Part 7

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"Alright everything is all put away," Jack says as he hangs up his yellow uniform jacket. "You heading out?"

"No I think I'll stay for a little while longer," Joy says leaning against the wall around the ice rink. "Can you leave the music on?"

He smiles and nods, "Sure can. If I leave the keys will lock up?"

"Can do, cockatoo." Joy smiles and shoots finger guns at her coworker.

He laughs and tosses the keys on the counter, "Have a good night Joy."

"You too Jack," she smiles and skates around on the ice as I Want You Back by Cher Lloyd plays through the speakers.

She skates around the rink a few times with her hands in her yellow uniform jacket. She sighs trying to shake off the hurt and sadness that fills her heart, Castel had just up and left all day...and she has no idea why! He could have at least said something, maybe it's because of something she did? What if he's hurt? Or in trouble? He would call or text her if he was wouldn't he? Maybe not after the way she's been acting around him...he wasn't answering his phone either. Maybe he noticed how she was acting, and maybe he knows it's him! What if he knows that she's in love with him and now he feels so uncomfortable!? Wait...did she just say in love with?

She stops in the center of the rink staring down at her skates. Yeah...that is how I feel about him isn't it. Why fight with myself? That's just how I feel. She huffs and hugs her body, it doesn't much matter now though who knows where Captain Disappear went. She chews her bottom lip before deciding to stay out on the ice for a little while longer–she's gotta skate this out.

Castel is panting, sweating, and red faced by the time he reaches the ice rink. Just about all the lights are off inside and he prays it's unlocked as he puts his hand on the handle. It opens! He runs in breathing so heavily he's sure at this point it could be categorized as hyperventilating. He leans against the door to catch his breath, he ran 9 miles in an hour and his body is hating him right now. But it's worth it if she's still here, he can fix this...he hopes. A smile brightens his face when he hears music blasting from the arena and he follows the melody out to the ice rink.

The only lights left on are the ones directly over the ice as the music fills the room. And there she is. Skating in circles and dancing along to the music in the dimly light room on the ice, ripped jeans, tight fit cat t-shirt, and her bright yellow jacket that has STAFF written in black on the back. His smile softens as he lovingly watches her circle around alone on the ice. She had only started working here a few months ago and she's already incredible on the ice. She looks so beautiful out there. His heart jumps into a racing speed as he remembers why he ran all the way here. Okay, you can do this. He tells himself, Just act cool, calm, and basically everything you're not.

He inhales deeply before walking over to the open gate leading onto the ice. He smiles and watches her for a few minutes as he leans against the outer wall of the rink, with his hands in his pockets. She skates out into the center of the ice and stops, running her hand through her hair. Now, speak now!

"You're getting really good," he says loud enough to be heard over the music.

Joy physically jerks and almost falls. After steadying herself on her skates she turns to see him standing at the gate. A smile springs to her face for a brief moment, happy to see he's alright and safe and unharmed. But anger floods her body at the fact that he just vanished for their whole weekend of Friend Fun. She scrunches her eyebrows together, crosses her arms, and scowls at him.

And there's her irritated face, he thinks to himself but manages to hold his smile. Man I really messed up today. It's ok, fix this first and then...possibly ruin our friendship forever or...get everything I've ever wanted.

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