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I hear the alarm on my cell phone practically shout

I grab my phone off of the nightstand and turn off the alarm

I flip over in my bed, not wanting to move or get out of my cozy bed

Todays the first day back from winter break

Meaning it's a brand new year

And everyone at school is going to be buzzing about their new years resolutions

Everyone except me

I have none

I spent hours trying to think of something to pass as a new years resolution, but absolutely nothing came to mind

I shake myself out of this daze and drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom

I flick on the light and see my reflection staring back at me

I see freckles

long brown hair

a small button nose

big blue eyes

I see average

I've never once thought of myself as pretty, I don't think anyone has.

Well anyone except my mother

I begin applying my makeup and doing my hair

I finish in the bathroom change into some clothing, grab some breakfast, and head out the door to the bus stop.

As soon as I get on the bus I put my headphone buds in my ears

I go on the Pandora app and put the birdy station on, my favorite

After 15 minutes or so on the bus we stop and the next group of kids get on

I see my friend Caroline walk on on the bus

I shoot her a big smile and wave at her

She smiles and waves back

I haven't seen her all break but something about her looks different

She looks much prettier than she ever has before

Her long curly brown hair is down and bouncy instead of its usual tight ponytail

Her cheekbones and eyes are complemented by the light application of makeup she has on

Her customary baggy clothing is replaced short sleeve floral print dress that hits just above her knees, the beautiful dress look perfect on her long and skinny body

My only guess for her new appearance is that she took the whole "New year, New you" thing to heart.

I scoot over in my seat and make room for her to join me on the crowded bus

As she sits down I turn to her and ask

"How was your break?"

She begins gushing about her glorious trip to New York. She tells me about all the shops she went to, the Broadway shows she saw, and most importantly all the wonderful people she met.

"How was your break Braelyn?" she asks

"Pretty boring" I say honestly

it was boring due to the fact I spent most of it in bed sleeping or helping my mother around the house.

I put my headphones in and offer her one to listen to my music with me

She accepts it and I turn on Pandora. I stare out the window for the remainder of the bus ride to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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