'Thank you for the notes,' Zhen Wu said.

'My pleasure,' Lucy said.

Zhen Wu yawned and walked to a seat in the back row. Lucy followed him and sat next to him.

Lam Ting purposely chose an unpopular elective so she could have some peace away from the rowdy boys who chased her. She resented Lucy for choosing the same elective because the boys in their year changed their classes to match Lucy's classes.

Chu Lan kicked Zhen Wu's seat.

'If you're going to sleep in class, go home and make room for students who want to learn,' Chu Lan said.

Lucy frowned, she was angry Chu Lan disturbed Zhen Wu's sleep.

'Hey did you hear me?' Chu Lan asked. 'Make room for Lam Ting and me to sit.'

Zhen Wu moved his seat closer to Lucy's seat to make room for Lam Ting and Chu Lan to sit.

Chu Lan kicked Zhen Wu's seat again, because Chu Lan wanted Zhen Wu to sit somewhere else.

'Chu Lan, forget it,' Lam Ting said. 'Let's sit.'

Since Chu Lan and Lam Ting helped Lucy to sit closer to Zhen Wu, Lucy let their rudeness slide.

Half way through the tutorial class, Zhen Wu's phone rang.

'Hello,' Zhen Wu greeted.

'Big brother, where are you?' Yue Ni asked. 'I'm near your campus. I want to use your car.'

'Yue Ni, where's your car?' Zhen Wu asked.

'Don't ask,' Yue Ni said.

'I only have a bicycle,' Zhen Wu said.

'Big brother, you're the CEO of Yue's company and leader of Ni Sheng,' Yue Ni said. 'Why are you so stingy?'

'Riding a bicycle is good for the environment and good exercise,' Zhen Wu said. 'Do you want to use my bicycle or not?'

'Yes,' Yue Ni said. 'I'll be right there. Wait for me.'

Zhen Wu hung up and he wanted to go back to sleep.

'You ride a bicycle?' Lucy asked. 'Next time can you give me a lift on your bicycle?'

'OK,' Zhen Wu said.

Zhen Wu agreed because Lucy loaned her notes to him.

'Look at the two country bumpkins,' Chu Lan said. 'What century are we living in? These two country bumpkins still want to ride a bicycle.'

Zhen Wu and Lucy weren't bothered by insults from a mosquito.

'You in the back seat,' the tutor said. 'Explain this theory to the class.'

The tutor was angry with students like Zhen Wu who slept and caused a nuisance in class.

'Do you mean me?' Zhen Wu asked.

'Yes you,' the tutor said.

The elective was Greek theology and text books were written in Greek. The tutor wanted to embarrass Zhen Wu and use him to warn the other students to be attentive during the tutorial class.

Lam Ting disagreed with the tutor's method of disciplining a disruptive student. Even she struggled to read the Greek words on the board.

The room became silent. Most of the students were anticipating Zhen Wu to embarrass himself.

Lucy looked at the board. She could understand the Greek words on the board but she could only read each Greek word slowly.

Zhen Wu was sleeping during the class, how was he supposed to know what theory the tutor wanted him to explain?

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