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"There are going to be very painful moments in your life, that will change your entire world in a matter of minutes. These moments will change YOU. Let them make you stronger, kinder and smarter. But don't go and become someone that your not. Cry. Scream if you have too. Then you straighten out that crown and keep moving forward." ~ N/A

[First Person Alexandrea]

We had soon reached the house that I had grown up in, it was still white with the navy blue shudders and the navy blue door, it was just as I remember it, nothing had changed, only now there was a black Chevy truck in the drive way, most like this one but my fathers is blue.
"Alright Alex.. I know you haven't seen your siblings in while, excpet for your brother, so if they are stressing you out to much just tell me alright?" I nodded my head at my mother explained to me softly.
"Your brothers wife, Lexie, she's about to have a child as well. Your siblings did get older, but they are pretty much the same still." I giggled softly and undid my seatbelt. "I think I will be okay mother, thank you."
She gave me a soft warm smile just like the ones I remember. She hopped out of the truck. I followed behind her to the front door as my father grabbed my stuff.

It was quiet at first then, my brother Isaiah came into the foyer of the house. "Alex." He smiled as he walked up to me, "Izzy!" We both wrapped eachother in an embrace.
"I missed you so much. It's so good to see your doing well." He said to me as my parents walked in behind us, I could feel the smiles and happiness raidating of my parents, soon enough I heard my other siblings.
"Alex!" Kenzie squeaked as Isaiah let go and she hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much!" I held her close as I felt two sets of arms wrap around my legs. "Hey you two." I giggled softly and let go of MacKenzie to hug my two youngest siblings.
Once everything had settled down Kenzie was the first one to ask about the baby. By then we had all found a seat on the couch, of course I sat in the center corner where I had always sat this time though my mother sat next to me as i was leaning against her.
"So, Ally." I looked up to Kenzie, she gave me that nick name when she couldn't say my real name when she was little, and it stuck with her.
"Yes?" She was nitting something, I guess she had just recently learned something to keep her busy aside her dancing. "Tell us about the baby." she giggled softly. I smiled thinking about it. "Well you know at first I wasn't so happy at the thought, I was going to give her away, but once I was in safety, and I saw her for the first time, I knew I couldn't, she reminded me about what i was strong enough to endure, and what i came out of stronger, so she's my little luck charm."
I giggled softly as i felt her kick. "Its a girl?! What's her name?!" I laughed softly. "I knew you were going to ask." I looked to my mother and smiled softly.
"It might seem a little wierd, but I love it. She has two first names, a middle and a last." I could see the anticipation written all over her face. I giggled before I said anything.
"Arizona Carrie Marie Fisher." I said looking to everyone's faves. "Im gonna call her Ace, for short." Kenzie had joy written all over her face, my mother had tears in her eyes, my father was delighted I was keeping fisher for her last name, Isaiah was just smiling as was Lexie. "Mom don't cry." I leaned up and wipped her tears from her face. "Sorry I'm just happy." She giggled softly as I kissed her cheek and leaned back into her.
She rested her hand on my stomach. She softly and sweetly caressed my bump, doing what she does best, singing to us.

[First person Mike]

We had finally got Alex settled into her room after dinner, she seemed very greatful of the genourosity about us letting her have the guest room for the baby which was next to her room.
I had told her it was not a problem amd we had a small room downstairs with no use and that could be changed to the guest room.
Carrie and I had been getting ready for bed and I was so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't heard Carrie try to get my attention. "Hey, baby?" I finally snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you alright? You seem dazed." She rested her hand on my chest looking up into my eyes softly.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just have a lot of thoughts." She nodded understandably. "I understand babe. And if your thinking about how your going to protect her. Don't, you'll know what to do, when you need to." I smiled, how could this woman know exactly what to say when I needed it? I couldn't help but kiss her on her lips, so lovingly yet with more passion and umf.
I soon found myself on top of her in our bed, we both wanted this and we knew it, it was a huge stress reliever for us. "Baby girl." I whispered in her ear as I felt my hands roam her bare body.
I heard her gasp, "oh mike!" I was now touching her, caressing her center with two fingers. "Oh Mikey, I'm so wet for you." She said so seductively, I couldn't resist myself.
It was very late, and Carrie and I were very intament, we are both loving on eachother like it would be the very last time.
"Awwhh, mikey!" She breathed out heavily as I felt my shaft slip into her, it had been a long while. I started to thrust, I wrapped my arms under her legs pulling them up to her sides as I started to thrust faster.
She was squeaking out as I thrusted inside of her. "Oh gosh Mike! Oh yes!" As I thrusted, I reached down and started massaging her clit. "Oh gosh it feels so good!!" She yelled out "oh carrie! Oh baby, oh you feel so good!"
We did this for awhile, and had lost track of time, but the next thing I knew was I heard screaming and both Carrie and I were up in a second, in our robes and running into Alex's bedroom.
She was not innher bed, the covers were thrown off and she was hiding in the corner.
"Alex!" Carrie ran over to her. "Baby girl look at me. Look at me." She looked so helpless, I sat down onnher bed and watched her. "They are going to come get me, and hurt me they will take Ace away, they are going to hurt me!"
Alex was yelling, suddenly I heard my youngest daughter start to cry, I walked out of the room to Mac telling me to go back, and that she had it covered. "Thanks pal." I smiled slightly walking back to Alex's bedroom.
She was calmed down by carrie now. "Your father and I are never going to let anything happen to you again sweetheart. We will protect you with our lives." Carrie whispered softly. "We are right at your side honey. I will never let you get hurt again." I added softly, not to scare her.
Carrie was finally able to get her back into bed and she layes down next to her on the inside. "Come lay down mikey." Slowly, I slid into the bed next to my oldest daughter who was facing her mother. She leaned into my chest as Carrie started to sing to her, her favorite song, as she caressed her belly softly.
Soon enough she was asleep and Carrie kissed her forehead. "We should stay here just in case. She could need us again." I ndded in agreement and just stayed where I was, watching my wife and holding my daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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