What if he gave up everything to be with Olivia, only for her to turn cold just like Eleanor? Was love even possible after the honeymoon phase was over?

Confusion swirls in him, and he tries not to think about that part right now. That was him and Olivia, and he couldn't deal with that when he was trying to deal with him and Eleanor.

If there was even going to be a "him and Eleanor" after this conversation. Shame and sadness cause his voice to shake slightly, but he's ready to take whatever Eleanor has to dish out, feeling like he deserves her wrath.

"Yeah, I-"

"Honey, you don't have to hang out with her," Eleanor says, her voice slightly pitying. He blinks slowly, his mind spinning its wheels, unsure as to what to say.

"Huh?" is all he can manage, his heart still thudding unevenly in his chest as he rests his elbow on his desk, rubbing his forehead wearily.

"It's very sweet of you to try and include her since she doesn't have any real friends, but..." Eleanor lets out a small laugh, "you don't have to pretend to be her friend. Remember, I do pay her."

She doesn't know, doesn't suspect a thing. Relief so intense it's almost disorienting floods him, and he sighs, vowing that he's going to be better. Going to stop this thing between he and Olivia, whatever it is. She was right, it can't go on and he's not willing to risk what he has, what he's built, what he's sacrificed everything for for something he wasn't even sure could last. If him and Eleanor couldn't, what hope does he have for he and Olivia?

He's not ready to let go.
He blinks.
He's not going to let go, he means.

"I...I..." Harry stutters, he chuckles at the absurd perplexity of it all. "Yeah I know. I just...I mean it didn't really bother me. Her tagging along." He winces, feeling his slight even if Olivia couldn't.

"Okay well, I just wanted to make sure you knew that," Eleanor says, her voice somewhat placating, and he nods as if she can see him. "How was your trip anyway?"

Her voice is offhand, and he can hear the rustling of papers in the background. They hadn't even seen each other since he had been back.

"Good," he says simply, guilt gnawing at him, caution unwilling to let him say more.

"Good," Eleanor says, her voice jovial, and he can't help the small smile that pulls at his lips. He loves when she sounds genuinely happy. It's just that it's so rare. "Well, I have to go," she says, her voice disgruntled again, and he sighs. "These girls — I swear, Harry. Public education in this country is a joke."

"Lucky you went to boarding school then, huh baby," Harry teases, laughing when he hears her sigh wearily.

"You're just full of jokes this morning, aren't you?" Eleanor snaps, and he licks his lips, looking down and shaking his head — chastised. "Well I'm glad you're in a good mood because over the next couple weeks we have a lot of work to do, and I don't want to listen to you whine."

"When have I ever whined-"

"We have to go to the florist and finalize the arrangements. Olivia is going to pick up the samples on Thursday and bring them here, so you'll need to clear your afternoon. We're going to have to meet with the photographer because our wedding announcement absolutely has to be in the Times style section by the end of the month."

"Oh, who's shooting?" Harry asks, nudging the folder in front of him with his finger and he hears Eleanor's sigh rattle through the line.

"Annie Leibovitz, Harry — who else? I've only been talking about this for months. Isabelle was supposed to call and confirm her for next week, but there was some kind of problem." Eleanor scoffs. "Something about being in Connecticut for her godson's bar mitzvah...I'm having Olivia call as soon as she gets back."

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