Chapter 10

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We had been driving for nearly an hour, which was starting to confuse me. The view of the outside world was beginning to give way to the meandering countryside, albeit with palm trees. My lips parted in confusion, pausing before I looked over to Harry who was seated next to me in the back of the sprawling suburban.

"Harry?" I inquired.

"Mmm?" he responded, a small smile on his lips as his deep jade green eyes found mine.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He smirked, a devilish smile tugging at his perfectly pink lips. "Coronado..."

My eyes widen, and a panic sets in. "Harry, that's almost halfway to San Diego!"

He nodded, pursing his lips before turning his face back to the window to enjoy the outside view. "...and?"

"And?" I swallowed, my head falling back defeatedly against the seat. Eleanor was going to murder me. "It was nice knowing you..." I mumbled under my breath.

He laughed. "Relax..." he quipped, reaching over to touch my arm. "I gave it to Eleanor real good last night. She'll get over it."

Ugh. All I could do was roll my eyes and look back out the window at the passing palms. I wish he would give it to me real good so that at least my last day on Earth was worth the indiscretion.

Olivia! Seriously, what is wrong with my brain?

Harry licked his lips, starting to shift excitedly in his seat as we got closer. I glanced down at my watch and realized the time.

"Harry! It's almost 9:30!" I gasped. Okay, I really was going to get murdered.

His eyes flashed a mischievous grin. "About that...I uh, don't think we're going to make it back by 10:30. Might want to push everything until after lunch, to be safe."

"You... you lied to me!" I scoff.

"Turn about is fair play," he hummed. All I could do was glare. "Besides, you needed some fresh air for that stick up your ass. You'll thank me later."

I wanted to murder him. What Eleanor doesn't know won't hurt us. The words echoed in my mind, and I felt a dull sense of panic take over my features. I just knew this was going to end badly. What Harry doesn't yet realize is that Eleanor always knows everything. I'm not sure how he doesn't realize it, given how many times he gets himself into trouble -- but maybe he was just the typical blubbering male idiot.

After a bit more of a drive and some twisting and turning lanes, we arrived. Men wearing polo shirts, gloves hanging out of their back pockets were littered around the grounds. Luckily, and perhaps it was the time of day and distance, it didn't seem too packed.

I was too busy taking in the surroundings before I realized that Harry had gotten out already. The clubs were already slung over his shoulder and he was making his escape for inside the building. I hurried to catch up to him, thanking our driver Anthony as I did so.

By the time I got to the main building, I ran smack into him with a bit of a thud. He steadied me and tries to hide back a laugh at my uptight behavior.

"You and your lady, sir?" the man at the counter offered.

I was about to protest, but Harry nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." He pulled out a wallet from his back pocket that was so old and worn that it looked like it had been run over by a tractor a hundred times.

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