Pink & Purple

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Stephen woke up to his ringing mobile. 

"Morning?" Stephen blinked his eyes open as he tried to listen to the voice on the other end.

"Hey. It's Dean. Are you coming in to do the voiceovers? We need to get these done before airtime." 

Stephen sat up wide awake. "I completely forgot we were supposed to do those today!"

"I know you have a lot going on-" Dean started. 

"No. No. I will be there. Just give me a few minutes to get ready." Stephen got up from the couch and started racing up the stairs as he hung up his phone. As he stepped on the landing, he remembered the little redhead that was asleep in the chair. He looked over the railing of he stairs to make sure she was fine only to find she was not in the chair. 

"I really do not need this!" Stephen mumbled as he grudgingly went down the stairs. 

It did not take long before Stephen heard the noises coming from the kitchen. As entered, he could smell the eggs and ham. Sitting in a chair at the island was Ruby watching David cook breakfast. 

"Hey sleeping beauty," David smirked as he saw Stephen's disheveled hair.

"Hey, I have to go into work. I forgot I have to do some voiceovers for BGMT."

David smiled, "Absolutely not a problem. I will watch the kid."

"Why do I get the impression that you have something planned...and I should be worried?" Stephen asked, looking from an innocent-looking Ruby to a not-so-innocent-looking David. 

"Nope. We'll have fun. Won't we?" David turned to Ruby nodding and she just stared at him. "At some point she will do more than just stare at us, right?"

Stephen shrugged his shoulders. "How should I know?"


The house was eerily silent and dark as Stephen returned from work. 

As he dialed David's phone, he heard the ringing upstairs. He followed it until he opened the door to what had been a guest room. 

"What the -?" Stephen stood, stunned, staring at the purple curtains draped from the ceiling over the daybed covered in pink-floral sheets and blankets. The wardrobe that used to store extra linens was open to reveal dresses and skirts and shoes lining the bottom. Hair bands and jewelry sat haphazardly on the little white table near the window. Plush animals lined the floor along the bottom of the bed. 

Sitting in the middle of the entire pink and purple room was David and Ruby in front of a doll's house.

"Um, David? What happened to a few clothes?" Stephen stood at the door shaking his head. "'s not..."

"It started out with looking for clothing. Then shoes. Then accessories. Then I realized she can't keep sleeping in that huge bed downstairs. She needs her own space. So we made one. Well, I did. She's just been going along with it, but I think she likes it."

Stephen and David looked at Ruby who looked from one to the other. 

"David. She's not staying. This stuff has to go back." 

David returned to showing Ruby the doll's house and waved Stephen off, "Uh-huh. Later."  

Stephen headed back downstairs and dropped on the couch. He was frustrated with David. He didn't want Ruby to start to feel at home here. He didn't plan on keeping her there. After the week his friend required, he was taking her back so someone else could raise her. He knew it was best for both of them. He didn't want to be a parent and she deserved someone who did. But he couldn't ignore the guilt that crept in as he counted down the days to taking her back. 

Stephen's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a weight on the couch next to him. He lifted his head and looked to find Ruby sitting next to him. Without saying a word, she reached over and gave Stephen a brief hug. As quickly as she was on the couch, Ruby was off of the couch and heading back up the stairs. 

Stephen sat, afraid to move. He had no idea what just happened or why it happened. In that moment he wished he could talk to Jonathan. Jonathan would be able to explain his daughter to him. 

"Maybe you could tell me why you wanted me, of all people, to watch her the week after your death..." Stephen whispered. He held back the tears starting to form in his eyes.

 He stood up and shook his head clear before heading back upstairs to figure out how to convince David to at least not paint the walls purple. 


"I can't believe you did that," Stephen muttered as David wrapped his arms around Stephen and kissed his neck.

" can," David softly laughed before returning to kissing Stephen's neck.

Stephen placed his hands on David's chest and gave a slight push and lifted David's face up.

"David-" Stephen began.

"Stephen. She couldn't keep sleeping in that chair and she clearly wasn't going to stay in the guest room downstairs. So now she has her own own bed and you don't have to worry about her now. She's safe...We can be together in bed now." David took Stephen in his arms and kissed him.

Stephen pulled back, "David-"

David pulled Stephen closer and kissed him more passionately. Stephen relaxed against David's body and wrapped his arms around David's waist.

As David released Stephen to catch his breath, Stephen fell on the bed.

" make a very good point." Stephen said playfully.

"I always do," David smiled as he lowered himself on top of Stephen. 

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