You Really Think I Can Do This?

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Rebecca lead Stephen through a series of hallways and stops in front of a large window and looks inside. Stephen takes the cue and turns to look into the window as well. 

The room behind the window was laid out with two rows of beds all made with white sheets and blue blankets. Each bed had a bench at the end with drawers. The room was very plain and the windows were high up on the wall. 

Spread throughout the room were various children doing different things; some playing board games, some reading, some just laying on their beds doing nothing. 

Stephen's eyes were drawn to a little redhead sitting on the edge of her bed hugging a disheveled stuffed dog. She was watching the other children as they played, but didn't move from her spot, say anything or react in any way. Next to her on the floor was a suitcase and purple duffel bag. She looked as if she was just waiting. 

"That's Ruby, Mr. Mulhern." Rebecca pointed to the little redheaded girl. She is four years of age. She is quiet and a bit shy. To be honest, she has not said a word since Mr. Brophy has passed." 

A woman within the room passed the window and Rebecca signaled to her. The woman helped Ruby off of the bed, picked up her luggage and guided her to the door. 

Stephen took a deep breath as he saw them coming down the hall; his heart started racing. He was on the telly all the time, but a little girl four years of age was making him more nervous than he has ever been. 

When they arrived to where Rebecca and Stephen were standing, Nora placed Ruby's things on the floor, gave the little girl a hug and returned to the other children.

"Thank you, Nora." Rebecca called after her. Rebecca turned to Ruby and knelt down to to match her eye level. "Hi, Ruby. This is Mr. Stephen. He is your daddy's best friend and he is going to take care of you for awhile. Your daddy asked him to watch over you when he left."

Ruby looked up at Stephen with no expression on her face or saying a word. Stephen looked down at her and gave a weak smile and wave. He was not sure what he was supposed to do in this situation. 

Rebecca stood and handed Stephen Ruby's duffel and suitcase. "Alright, we will get you her car seat and you two can be off."

"That's it?" Stephen asked in a panic.

"What more do you need, Mr. Mulhern?" Rebecca asked looking at him sternly.  

Stephen looked back down at Ruby and her stuffed dog. "I have no idea what I am doing."

"Most parents don't." Rebecca led them back out in to the main lobby and picked up the purple and black car seat sitting by the front desk. She followed Stephen out the door to his car. 

"If you unlock the door, I can help you put this in. Then it's all on you, Mr. Mulhern." 

Stephen went around and unlocked the doors to the car. Rebecca waited for him to get the clue to come back around and then explained how the car seat was supposed to be connected in the back seat and how to keep in place for safety. She lifted Ruby and buckled her into place, making sure to show Stephen where each strap was supposed to go and how it was supposed to click into the center buckle. By the tone of her voice, Stephen knew she had no faith in him to remember how to do this; Stephen knew she was right too. 

Rebecca helped load Ruby's things in to the back of the car and handed Stephen the paperwork and smiled before going back into the building. 

Stephen sat in the driver's seat, his hands shaking as he reached for wheel. In the rear-view mirror, he could see Ruby looking out the window toward the street. She was holding tightly to her little dog. 

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