Slumber Party

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Stephen woke in the middle of the night to find he had been asleep on the couch while David was still asleep on the floor with one of the couch cushions under his head. Stephen watched David sleep for a moment, enjoying how cute he was snuggled up with the cushion, before sitting up to stretch. 

As Stephen stood to go to the kitchen for tea, something caught his attention from across the room. Wearing a "Catchphrase" crew shirt, clutching her little dog, was Ruby, curled up in one of the chairs. 

Not sure what to do, Stephen looked from sleeping David to sleeping Ruby. He felt guilty at the thought of waking of David, but he felt there was something that should be done about Ruby sleeping in the chair. Shaking out his arms in nerves, Stephen grabbed a blanket from the closet and draped it over Ruby to prevent her from getting a chill. 

Stephen stood back and looked at Ruby. She looked a lot like her father. The reminder pulled on Stephen's heart. A part of him wanted to pick up the sleeping girl and hug her.

Stephen shook his head clear. "No. She has to go back. I can't do this. She needs real parents." Stephen looked down at the sleeping girl one more time as she hugged her little stuffed dog tighter and pulled the blanket around herself.

Stephen shook his head again as he went in the kitchen.

Putting the kettle on, he felt arms wrap around his waist.

"Mmmm...what are you doing?" Whispered David as rested his head on Stephen's shoulder, closing eyes.

"Couldn't sleep anymore," Stephen turned himself so he has facing David. "Why don't you go to bed upstairs. I'll be up in a bit."

"Nuh uh," David wrapped his arms tighter around Stephen's waist. "I'm not going up there alone. What if there are monsters under the bed?" David attempted an innocent scared look that made Stephen laugh and kiss him.

"Not only that, you can't leave the kid in the chair alone," David kissed Stephen as he reached around for the now whistling kettle.

"I don't like this. I like the way I have things. I like my freedom. I want to be able to go upstairs with you and do whatever I want to you." Stephen grabbed mugs from the cupboard.

"I like the sound of that," David said flirtatiously.

"How do people have kids? I don't get why." Stephen stated blankly.

"I won't even begin to try discussing this. It's late. We're tired. Tomorrow is a busy day. We need-"

"Why is tomorrow busy?" Stephen asked pouring their tea.

"Shopping!" David rubbed his hands together with excitement. "I told you the kid has nothing, so we need to get her some things."

"But she's not staying."

"So? She can't stay in Catchphrase and BGT shirts while she is here. So... We go shopping tomorrow!!" Before Stephen could say another word, David gave him a long and passionate kiss that he knew would make Stephen surrender.

"Fine. Just a little clothes." Stephen said resigned, looking up at a smirking David. "You did that on purpose." Stephen shook his head. "Unbelievable."

David smiled big. "Yep. Just a few clothes." David moved toward the kitchen door. "And shoes...and maybe some hair bands...and-"

"David!" Stephen exclaimed as he followed David out of the kitchen. "I am not-"

"Shhhh," David pointed to sleeping Ruby before heading up the stairs Stephen's bedroom.

Stephen looked from his room to Ruby, sighing he curled up on the couch, finishing his tea before dozing off.

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