Chapter Twenty-Four

Começar do início

I turn slowly to take in Clayton's ridged body. His eyes swirl with so many questions but as they lock on mine I can see he's stuck on the words I muttered. "You love me?" he breathes out.

But before I can respond Chase yells at him from behind me. "How could you sleep with my girlfriend?" Chase questions his brother.

"Shut up Chase!" I shout at him. He isn't really my boyfriend and he doesn't need to keep this whole facade on. He can tell everyone right here and right now and be done with it. He can grow and move on from the lie he's lived his whole entire life.

But I can see it as my eyes hold his hazel ones. I can tell he won't tell the truth. Because he's so stuck in this lie, wrapped up in what he thinks everyone wants from him. Expects from him. He can't see the truth because he's so blinded by the warped lie that's tangled its way into our friendship and my heart. He can't even see how madly in love I really am.

"Chase—" Clayton's deep voice tries to start but my best friend isn't having any part of it.

"I always stood up for you and had your back," Chase states. "Even when you were an ass and drinking more than ever I defended you, but you couldn't see it because I wasn't your favorite. I wasn't Cale. I was just your brother, but in your alcoholic head I was no one," he growls shoving at his older brother's chest letting the rage that fills him manifest into something greater. Scarier.

"I'm sorry," Clayton breaks with a cracked voice. He never wanted to hurt his brother. He wanted to stay far away from me, but I ruined everything just like the mess I am. No matter where I go trouble follows.

"That's not enough," Chase shrugs before shoving at his brother once again. His hands harshly colliding with Clayton's chest showing how at the edge my friend is in this moment. Showing how he's about to crack.

Fear races through me that he's going to punch Clayton and a fight is going to break out. I run the few paces forward and place myself between the two brothers fearing one will strike and ruin a relationship that's already so damaged. So frayed and slowly pulling at the edges.

"Stop it," I shout at Chase placing a calming hand against his warm chest.

"Stay out of this," Chase growls back. "Oh right, you couldn't you just had to make everything about you and sleep with my brother," he snaps at me making my body shiver with the menacing tone that coats his words. He's never once spoken to me this way and it scares me to the core.

"Don't talk to her like that," Clayton quietly stands up for me.

"Why?" Chase questions. "It's the damn truth," he pushes once again attempting to come forward at his older brother.

"No it's not and you know it," I fight back letting the anger build deep within me. I don't want to battle with my friend, but I also won't let everything go down like this either.

"Hayley," Chase battles, his voice gravelly and broken just like his exterior. He's on the verge of being outted and he knows it, he hates it. He's trying with everything to fight against it. He may accept who he is, but he's still so afraid of letting the world know. Letting the world see the true Chase that lies underneath.

"Just tell them," I urge him quietly with a small whisper. His family loves him, they would never judge or persecute him. They may have questions, but in the end I know they wouldn't let him go. They would hold him tight and proclaim their unconditional love for him and every son they have.

"No," he says simply with a small broken shake of his head. "Because we had a deal and you only had to do one thing and you couldn't even do that without fucking up, but I should've expected that," he tells me with a faint murmur and shattered words. A shattered heart.

Lost | √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora