Entry Uno

14 2 7

December 1st, 2017

Dear Journal,

¡Hola, amigo! ¡Me llamó Antonio! ¡Encantado! Oh, wait. Emily wanted us to write in English. Oops! Well, I can translate! Hello friend! My name is Antonio! It's a pleasure! You may know me better as España or Spain!

Emily wanted me to write in this because she thought it would be good to write down how we actually feel instead of, as she said, hiding it! We don't hide how we are though...at least, I don't think so!

Oh right, my day! Well, not much has happened for me! I mean, I've been either here or with Andrés (My 2p).  It's fun being with mi amigos! Speaking of them, Gilbert and I are going to surprise Francis soon! He doesn't know Joan is back yet because Emily wanted to make it a surprise! So, that's what we're going to do!

I'm going to go help Gilbert find a blindfold! I won't be long!

I'm going to go help Gilbert find a blindfold! I won't be long!

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