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Shoved in the back of my mind,

like papers in a file cabinet,

are memories as hazy as

a black-and-white film.

Old recollections of

catching fireflies,

barefoot on the grass that

was sprinkled with fresh dew;

and throwing rocks into the bay

with our toes in the water

after slyly hopping the fence.

Ancient glimpses of events

in my past float around

underneath my eyelids,

from time to time,

reminding me of the people

I shouldn't have lost and

the speeding race-car that

childhood is.

[to whoever is reading this: I've learned that one of my good friends is now resting peacefully in Florida. This kinda inspired me to write this. The years go by so fast, and I've lost so many people... But more good times are yet to come. :)]

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