5- In Which We Meet the Villain

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There were stairs built into the side of the tower, which meant that whoever was up there wanted us to find them. This unnerved me a bit, but it didn't stop me from following Joss and Jaqueline up the massive obsidian pillar. The other three followed behind, though Jenni still seemed quite nervous.

The tower was smaller than it had looked from the ground, and it didn't take long to reach the top. A tall figure was standing near the edge, with its back to us. It appeared to be wearing a long, ragged white cloak, with the hood flipped up. I watched them for a moment, wondering what seemed so off about them just standing there. Then I realized -the cloak was swishing around their legs as though it was caught in a breeze, even though there was no wind. This sent a chill down my spine, and I wondered if any of the others had noticed.

Jaq stomped up to them. "Hey!" she snapped loudly. The person didn't turn away from the edge, just inclined its head slightly.

"You're face to face with the person who dragged you from your home dimension and is indirectly responsible for the deaths of your friends, and the first thing you say is 'hey'?" It inquired. It had a male voice, deep and quiet, with a distinct undertone of menace.

Jaq scowled, not the least bit deterred. "Not exactly 'face to face'." She pointed out, apparently ignoring everything else it had just said.

"Jaq, don't." I heard Jenni whimper from behind me. The hooded person laughed, a sinister little chuckle. "You are correct. How very rude of me." He turned around in a smooth, graceful motion, and Jaq went reeling backwards, shock and fear carved into her face.

He wasn't a man at all. He was a monster.

The creature's face was black as coal, a smear of darkness set with wicked red eyes and a yellowed grin. He wasn't wearing a cloak at all; in fact it looked like his body was the cloak. Patches of him weren't entirely opaque- he was a shadowy white wraith. His hands and feet were mostly hidden by the ragged white, but they looked more like charcoal claws than human limbs.

"Y-y-you're-you're n-not...but you c-can't be..." Jaq stuttered, still stumbling backwards. I glanced between her and the creature, confused. He was terrifying, sure, but I couldn't quite place him.

"Entity 303." Jandro muttered hoarsely. The creature grinned widely and bowed its head. "Indeed I am, young man."

My mouth went dry, and I could feel myself going pale. Like Herobrine, 303 was a monster of nightmares and legends, that was supposed to have been destroyed or defeated by the gods themselves. I had heard many stories of him when I was a child, but none had been very specific about his appearance.

"W-what do y-you want with us?" Jenni stammered. She had gone almost paler than me, and looked rather like she wanted to hide under a rock.

Entity 303 turned his gaze on her, and she whimpered again. "Of course, you want an explanation. Take a seat." He waved his claw-hand, and six lumps of obsidian rose up and formed into small black chairs.

Jaq crossed her arms. "What makes you think we're going to listen to you?"

Before 303 could answer, Jandro tugged on her arm. "He is a creature of horror stories. Sit the fuck down before he kills you." he snapped, making her sit down next to him. The rest of us hesitantly sat down with them, frightened into submission. 303 stood in front of us, red eyes glinting shiftily.

"I have a very valid reason for bringing you here, but it will take a lot of explaining. What is something you feel I need to address first?" he asked.

"Where the hell are we?" Joss asked immediately. Another glint of shadiness in the red eyes.

"You are all familiar with the Far Lands, though some more than others. What you don't know is that there is space beyond the Far Lands, so distant that you could travel your entire life and never get halfway. That place is infinite, and yet it takes up no space at all. It is a tear in the universe, a place completely separate from the known worlds. You can put anything there, and it will never be found, like, for example, a prisoner."

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