One month later

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After a few weeks Hawkins lab was shut down and closed off after a tape that Johnny and Nancy made. They were able to give Barbra's parents closure and we had a funeral. We had one for Bob too, his parents were devastated. I miss him so much, every time I'm at work I think about him.

Will was really upset about it, he really looked up to him. After school since everything happened, Will started coming to radio shack after school to hangout with me. After work I usually take him to the Arcade for a few hours and then back to his house.

He hasn't had an episode since last month, not really. Unless you count nightmares.

El is officially Jane Hopper now that my uncle has adopted her, and now after school I can bring Mike home with me to very see Jane. He still has trouble calling her that. I think to him she'll always be El.

I finished doing my hair and looked at myself, "you look pretty"Jane said from behind me

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I finished doing my hair and looked at myself, "you look pretty"Jane said from behind me. I turned and looked at her and smiled "so do you"I said. It's feels weird calling her Jane now, now that she's officially my cousin. "You like the makeup?"I ask, she smiled and nodded. "I don't care for it myself but I'm pretty good at doing it on others"I smiled.

She nodded and we walked out to see my uncle waiting there, he smiled when he saw us "beautiful"he said looking at us. We smiled and I handed him my camera, he took a few pictures and then we left for the dance.


Hopper walked over to Joyce as Jane and I walked inside, we saw Mike sitting by himself and Jane and I looked at each other and smiled "if I find you two in a closet somewhere I'm not going to be happy"I said jokingly, she looked at me confused "why would we be in a closet?"she asked innocently.

"No reason, just don't go in one with him"I said seriously. "Okay..."she said before walking over to him, I smiled before walking over to the picture area and finding Jonathan. "You look amazing"he said with a large adorable smile, "you look astonishing"I said looking at him completely in love.

"What?"he asked as we started dancing, he had noticed I was staring at him. "Can I tell you something crazy?"I ask seriously, "yeah"he answered curiously. "I love you"I said, he smiled. "I love you too"he said, we both grinned like crazy and laughed.

He leaned in and kissed me as the music changed, I smiled at him and then looked to see Mike and Jane dancing, Lucas and Max dancing, and Will dancing with a girl I didn't recognize.

I gasped, "John, look"I said, he turned and saw Will dancing and smiled. "He's actually dancing!"Jonathan said surprised and happy. Of course we knew how amazing Will is and that any girl would be lucky to have him but we didn't know girls here knew that.

I looked around and saw Nancy and Dustin dancing, "I'll be right back"I said before kissing my boyfriends cheek and walking over. "May I cut in"I asked "why of course"Nancy said before walking over to Steve who was by the punch table.

Dustin smiled as we started dancing, "I love your hair, what did you do?"I ask. He smiled, "it's a secret"he said. I figured Steve helped him somehow, "you look great"Dustin said "thank you"i said smiling. "Don't worry, someday some girl will realize how amazing you are and how great your hair is"I said he smiled and I could tell it meant a lot to him.

I danced with him for a few more songs before dancing with Jonathan again. Whenever I'm with him I feel safe, like anything is possible. And no matter what our future holds I know we'll face it together.

Dancing Queen | Johnathan Byers Where stories live. Discover now