Musume Ronshaku

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Holy this is suuuuuuuuuper late. I'm sorry! RiverClan_

  You're awoken by the unbearable sound of your alarm clock going off. Irritated, you sit up and wipe the sleep from your eyes and try to focus your blurry vision on the clock, 7 A.M!
'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!' You exclaim, running around your room and throwing your uniform on. You run downstairs and grab an apple, and shooting out the front door.
You're so tired and your head is so foggy that you don't notice someone slowing down in front of you and you crash into them.
'Eugh!' They exclaim, sprawled out on the pathement. Getting up quickly, you realize it was Musume-Chan. 'I'm so sorry, Musume! I didn't realize you were there, please forgive me.' You cry, outstretching your hand for her to take.
She ignores it, and swats your hand away as she gets herself up and dusts off her skirt.
'Ugh, whatever!' She shrieks, 'you're lucky you didn't break my phone, or mess up my hair, you nitwit! Get away from me!' She scurries off quickly, and you mentally scream at yourself for being so stupid.

You finally make it to school, you were a little late. But you still made it. As you enter your classroom, you notice a few students looking at your desk and giggling to each other. Feeling a bit insecure, you wander over to find someone had vandalized your desk! You feel a little hurt but quickly wipe it off with your arm and sit down in silence. You feel people looking at you and laughing, making you wonder- who would do something like this?
Your Sensei enters, making everyone quiet as she starts your lessons for the day.
You try paying attention but keep thinking about what happened with Musume this morning.

At last, the lunch bell goes and you're all dismissed. Everyone including your Sensei leaves for lunch, but you stay in your seat. Not really in the mood for lunch.
Your ears perk up at the sound of giggling coming from down the corridor, you could tell it was Musume and her pack of hyenas. You spot them coming around the corner and into your classroom. 'Hey, (Name)-Chan! Did ya get my messages?' She snickers, referring to your desk. Her friends copy her and snicker. You remain silent.
She grabs two chalk erasers, pacing closer towards you. Her friends still giggling in the background. They all circle around you like vultures. You know what's coming, and wait for it. But nothing happens.
The Guidance Counselor bursts through the door, 'Musume Ronshsku!' She exclaims.
You hear the erasers drop and hit the floor as Musume sulks over to her.
You're greatful she came when she did.
Musume's friends follow after her, leaving you by yourself at last.

After school, you're sitting in your bed just doing homework when you hear a faint knock at the front door. You raise an eyebrow, 'wasn't expecting visitors.'
You open the door and immediately freeze as you see Musume standing there, looking sheepish. You go to slam the door, but are blocked by Musume sticking her foot in the way.
'Look, (Name). I just came here to like, what's the word? Umm, apologize?' She mutters, crossing her arms.
'Oh yeah? You're here to what? Apologize? Did I hear that right, Musume?' You mock her.
She just rolls her eyes, 'yeah, but if you don't wanna accept my apology then, like, whatever!' She exclaims, turning to leave.
'No no!' You sigh as she turns back around, 'I accept your apology, Musume, but I have a question.'
She raises a blonde eyebrow and smiles, 'what?'
'Why did you vandalize my desk and try to cover me in chalk? Was it because of what happened this morning?' You question, looking her straight in the eyes. She seems taken aback.
'Um, I don't know.' She shakes her head, a noticeable blush spreading across her cheeks. 'I-it's like, y'know, nothing personal. I think you're kinda cute, and well...' She stops mid-sentence, 'never mind, sorry! I'll see you at school tomorrow!' She calls, sounding nervous.
You shake your head, 'it's alright, don't be stupid. Come in.' You chuckle, opening the door wide enough for her to enter. She obliges and makes herself comfortable on your couch.

'So you think I'm cute, huh?' You chuckle.
'Yeah...' she admits, 'I'm sorry if this is, like, weird and stuff. You probably don't even like girls!'
'I like you, Musume.' You giggle, sitting down next to her.
'Oh yeah? Even after that mean stuff I did...?' She sounds kinda upset, 'still, I'm really sorry. I rushed off because I didn't know what else to do.' You nod, showing that you understand.
'Here,' she mumbles, leaning closer, 'I know how to make it up to you.'
You close your eyes and your lips connect. You feel your face burn with delight as she scoots even closer, her hands on your waist.
You wrap your arms around her neck and deepen the kiss.
She pulls away slowly, standing up. 'I'd better go, I did only come here to apologize. But I'll see you at school tomorrow.' She adds with a wink.

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