Bringing Guns to a Bomb Fight: Book 3 to Plus Size Punch

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Opening Music: Devil is a lie by Rick Ross ft Jay-Z

Sarabi 37 years old

Sarabi stood in the ring punching the punching bag it felt good to punch again. Lance, Luke, Harmony, and Melody were at school and she was back in business. Nothing stood in her way. She became a stay at home mom, but she had a inside ring in her house. She would go out and enjoy the city sometimes but she made her life about her kids and nothing else.

She had her headphones in, just feeling the connection between her and the bag made her feel good. She even learned how to kick-box. High kicks, low kicks, she had become more faster than she use to be. She is back to her high school size 22.

Noah walked in the door so see his mom back in the ring. He wanted to surprise her coming home so he leaned on the wall until she noticed him. Noah had just graduated from Harvard a few weeks ago but Sarabi, Joey, Paul, and the kids couldn't make it because of their busy schedule they had someone FaceTime him walking and getting his diploma. They haven't seen him since. Noah had grew out his hair that flowed all the way to his butt, he worked out more, he was now 6'3 and very muscular, he had a strong chin line. He is now 25.

Sarabi turned around to get some water when she grabbed her bottle she dropped it when she saw her baby boy Noah.

"Noah baby-boy! How are you?" She basically hugged him to death. Even though she was much shorter at 5'6 he was no match for her. She had been fighting for years. "I need to start cooking oh my, you look like you have not eaten. Let's get some meat in you boy."

"Mom, it's so good to see you!" He hugged his mother with all his might.

"Ok don't kill me son,"she chuckled. "My ,My, My look at your hair. What is it with you and Joey with hair?"

"It's us mom, speaking of Dad where is he?" Joey took over both business until his son was ready to take care of them.

"Well at work, your brothers and sisters are going to freak out when they see you. Ahh! My baby home!" Melody and Harmony are now 17 and Lance and Luke are 18 getting ready to graduate. Harmony and Melody skipped a grade and ended up being in the same grade as their older brothers. Lance and Luke really did turn out like Paul. Look exactly like him, and a light tan complexion piercing ,green eyes, blonde hair, and got his features. Did the everything with each other. They were like robots ever thing was together on point. Sometimes it was like they would read each other's mind.

Harmony and Melody had Joey's eyes and hair and looks but mostly like their mom. They both had over average grades than their original class. So they ended up with Lance and Luke. All in the same classes all the time. At the lunch table they would sit with each other along with Taylor and Tina Sam's daughters. It was the twin table 3 sets of twins. Every one loved them though because of their names. Girls would pounce on Luke and Lance but they would simply refuse. The popular girls would even pounce on the boys but hated the girls. Guys would line up to be with the girls but they would simply refuse also. They had there dad's looks but their mother's mind frame.

"Mom, I see you getting back in the ring, I more afraid of you then I was back then." Noah said looking at his mother who still had on her boxing gloves. "It's good to see you."

"Awe you too baby now go put your stuff in your room." Sarabi smiled. He had made her day.

When everyone got home they nearly hugged Noah into a coma. Noah had to force their hands off him. Him and Joey looked like father and son. Joey hair fell to the middle of his back. Noah had always kept his hair in a ponytail and in a braid. A few inches taller than Joey. Even though they weren't related they acted like father and son.

Sarabi was happy to see her family. She was finally having peace in her life until she call from her home town Oxford, Ms.

"Ms.Scott we are here to inform you that your father has died." Said a doctor over the phone. Sarabi just groaned. No tears, no breaking down, not rushing going home just shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok do you have the cause of death." Sarabi said with no feeling no emotion just empty.

"He had a stroke along with your step mom Candice." She groaned even louder she never knew her name she just knew that the woman was crazy as hell."Are you coming down to have a funeral service?"

"Leave it to his mother Martha Scott," Sarabi said. She wanted to get back to her family."She can handle everything just don't expect me to come to Oxford."

"Well don't you want to see him before he gets put in the ground?"

"No, I hope he burns in hell for his sins against me and my mother." Sarabi hung up the phone in frustration. She started having flash backs before her eyes. She started to get angry again.

"Sarabi baby what's going on?" Joey pulled her in his arms. It would always calm her.

"I hope he burns in hell for his sins." Sarabi said clutching her fist together. Noah studied her the only person she hates that's a him is Jordan. And she said she hopes he goes to hell that must mean Jordan died he thought.

"Jordan died Dad." Joey didn't feel bad at all. Jordan was just as much of an ass to him. He knew Sarabi was ok but he could tell she was having flash backs.

"Who is Jordan?" Lance, Luke, Harmony, and Melody asked. Sarabi never spoke his name in the house. She only told them about Grandma Victoria.

"Jordan is Grandma Victora's abusive ex husband, he abuse me until I learn how to box then I let him know I won't go down so easy. That's why I don't like when y'all fight I don't want to see my family broken. I never wanted you to meet him." Sarabi had finally calmed down. But she spoke about him with so much venom.

"He killed Grandma V, You don't want to push mom over the edge, she went over to his house to shoot him but didn't, when I met him he didn't accept me because I was white. Mom defended me. He made fun of her because she adopted me. They attacked mom and she paralyzed him and his new wife and she never went back." Noah told them. The kids look at their mother they knew she could fight but didn't know she could shoot and kill.

"I don't want to talk about it," Sarabi said. "let's eat."she smiled. Sarabi said she wasn't going back and she was doing just that. Never looking back unless it's to visit Mrs.Linda and Mr.Moretii and for no other reason.

A/N: Comment tell me what you think. Jordan has finally disappeared, everything seems peaceful for now. What do you think of Sarabi new attitude? ❤️Thank you for reading much love❤️ Are you a bomb or a gun?
Sarabi is the Bomb and Melissa and Heather are Guns.
Bombs 💣💣 VS. Guns🔫🔫


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