About Time

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     We drove for awhile in silence. Dean hadn't even turned his music on and that was weird. Dean almost always drove with it. My heart was racing, for which I had no idea. Staring out the Impala's window I watched the scenery go by. What was Dean up to? Where was he taking me? Was this the other shoe dropping? It probably was, I told myself. I knew it was all too good to be true. Dean was NOT that sweet of a guy. Dean was a love 'em and leave 'em kinda guy. I berated myself for thinking he would change for me. There would be no chick flick moments, no happy endings. He was probably doing all this to let me down easy. But where are we going? I kept wondering.
       Dean turned the car into a parking lot with a couple other cars in it. I looked through the windshield at the structure in front of us. It was a simple cinder block building with awnings over each window. A bright neon sign flashed OPEN and I could see a couple of people sitting at tables, eating. Dean looked over at me, smiling. "Come on, let's get some pie," he said. I laughed at the look on his face. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. I knew Dean had a fascination with pie. He would demand it at every pit stop we made.  "Okay, let's get some pie!" I replied.
   After the diner pie and coffee, we got back in the Impala and Dean turned the radio on.

How the hell did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood Horror.

Nickelback. My favorite group. I hummed along with the song, staring out the window as Dean drove along once again.

Nothing's wrong, just as long as
You know that someday I will

Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it all right but....

     I jerked my head around as I realized Dean was softly singing along. He stopped when he felt my eyes on him and kept driving. We stopped at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere it seemed. There were a few picnic tables sitting on either side of a brick building that looked to have vending machines inside. Save for the one solitary streetlight near the sidewalk, the area was mostly dark. "Thirsty?" Dean asked. "Yea, sure. I'd take a water or tea." I told him with a smile. "Be right back," Dean said, exiting the car.
He comes back with two drinks in his hand and a pack of some type of snack. Opening my door, he settles both bottles and the snack in his right hand as his left reaches for mine. "Let's sit," he said. Oh, I think. Being by myself alone in the dark with Dean? I'm excited, but worried too.
     Sitting on top of one of the secluded-from-light picnic tables I open the bottle of water and take a sip. Dean is sitting beside me so close I can feel the heat emanating from him.
He leans back on his hands and looks up at the sky, filled with a million twinkling stars. I look back at him. He looks so handsome in the starlight. It actually takes my breath away.  "I love you," I sigh and then realizing my blunder, quickly look down and squeeze my eyes shut. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
    Dean steps off the table and turns toward me. Did she just say she loved me? Does she mean like a brother? She's with Sam so it has to be like that right? Dean thinks back to the conversation he overheard with her, Chuck and Sam. Them telling her to come clean to him. But why is Sam telling her to come clean about her feelings toward himself?
All of sudden the truth becomes clear. Cris loves him. Dean Winchester. Cris loves Dean.
"Son of a bitch," Dean whispers to himself running his hand over his hair.
Stepping to me, he lifts my chin up and says my name, causing me to look at him. He could see I looked afraid. Tears hung on my bottom eyelashes. He leans in and kisses my lips.

   Holy crap this was actually happening. Dean Winchester's lips were on mine and it wasn't a dream. I put my hand on the back of his head and kissed back pouring all my hidden emotions into it. His hands came down to my hips and we kissed a few moments longer. Dean pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. "I can't believe I thought it was Sam," Dean said. I looked at him a little funny, but then it clicked what he meant; all the sad faces when I protected Sam, the disappointment I had chose to go with him on the hunt, the sad look when the hookman mentioned my feelings, he thought it was Sam I had feelings for. "It was always you Dean. I see Sam like a brother." I told him. He then gave me his cute little smirk I loved so much. "So that hot dream was about me?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I blushed, but nodded my head.

    He grabbed my hand and led me back toward the Impala. "How bout we make that dream come true?" he asked. My eyes widened in surprise while heat pooled in the pit of my stomach. "You have no idea how amazing that sounds, but I have to ask if you plan on this being more?" I replied. Dean turned toward me and the look in his eyes stopped my heart and made my breath catch. There was so much love in them it was almost too much to take. "Look talking feelings isn't really my thing. You know that Cris. Why do you think I did all those things for you lately? So while I probably won't say it that often just know I feel the same way you do," He said giving me another kiss. His words had quelled all fear I had about being a one night stand.

    Once we were at the Impala he opened the backdoor and sat me down. With his lips once again on mine I scooted back so he could lay me down. Dean used his forearm to hold himself up while his other hand went to my hip. I felt little tingles were his fingers moved up and down my side underneath his shirt I still wore. I leaned up a little not breaking our kiss and removed my jacket while he removed his. Once my jacket was  gone I ran my hands under his shirt feeling his abs tense and then his pecs as I slowly moved my hands up so I could remove his shirt. I started peppering kisses along his chest and up his neck, but before I could get to his lips he was pulling on the hem of my shirt. I lifted my arms allowing him to take it off.

    I laid back again and Dean followed. His lips attached to the side of my neck while his hand trailed up and down my side. He was being so gentle and while it was different than my dreams I was enjoying it. I ran my hands up and down his back as he lavished my neck and breasts with sweet loving kisses. I let out a small moan as his hand finally trailed to my jeans. He unbuttoned and zipped them before sitting up. I smiled up at him with my eyes glazed over in love and lust. I lifted my hips so Dean could pull my jeans and boy short underwear off, after sliding my tennis shoes off. He gazed down at me and I could see the love and admiration in his eyes. "You're beautiful," he told me before leaning back down.  Our lips met again and I could feel just how much he loved me even if he hadn't said the words. He gently ran his hands all over my body showing how much he cared. His right hand gently massaged my breast and rolled my nipple. I moaned into his mouth loving how gentle he was being.

     After a few moments he switched hands and rubbed the other breast. I could feel how wet I was for him and couldn't wait to have him inside me. I watched as Dean sat up and undone his own pants, he kicked his boots off before sliding his pants and boxers off. "You sure about this?" he asked. I smiled at him and replied, "More sure than I've ever been." He gave me a small smile before lining himself up with my entrance and gently sliding in. He slowly rocked his hips back and forth while our lips met again in a loving kiss. Dean wrapped my legs around his hips giving him better access. He was now hitting my g-spot as well as rubbing my clit. I felt my orgasm begin to build and gripped Dean's shoulders tighter. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes knowing I was close. "Open your eyes baby I want to see them as you cum," Dean told me. I opened my eyes and when they locked with his I went over the edge and moaned. "I love you," I told him as I came down from my high. He then went over the edge himself gripping my hips tight as he came. He pulled out of me and laid on the backseat turning me to face him. "I love you too," he told me pulling me close.

    We laid in the backseat for a good 10 minutes before Dean suggested going back to the motel. "Yeah we need some sleep and don't want Sam to worry if he wakes up and we're gone," I said as I got dressed. I got back in the front seat as Dean turned the Impala on. I smiled as she rumbled to life. The drive back didn't take us that long and we were soon pulling into the parking lot. Dean unlocked the motel door and when we walked in Sam was awake. I looked at him and didn't say a word just walked to the bathroom so I could clean up before going to bed. "It's about time," I heard Sam say as I closed the door. I smiled knowing he was right.


Shout-out to austinmomma93 for helping with this chapter. So who's happy about them finally getting together? Please comment and vote.

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