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Dal's pov

When soda told me pony was awake and wanted me, i ran straight to his room. "Hi baby, how are you feeling" i grab his hand and kiss his cheek. "What happened" he asked me.  "Well the night before last  you and i were havin a good time,  then yesterday you got a fever, and thats why your here in the hospital".

"Do you know what caused the fever?" He asks still unsure himself. "No baby, but the doc should be in to see you soon". Just as i finished that sentence, darry and the doc walked in. "Well young man how are you feeling?" The doc asked. "Fine i guess" pony answered. "Well your test results are in, and it looks like you had an allergic reaction to something".

"Do you remember what you did or ate in the last few days?" The doc asks. "Not really, dal made spaghetti and meatballs, and that was the last thing i remember eating" pony looked a bit unsure. Darry got me to step outside with him.

"Dal, i'm not accusing you of anything, all i need to know is what you put in your meatballs, i'm not sure if pony's told ya, but there are some foods that he's not supposed to eat. We found out when he was little, that if he ate something he shouldn't he would get a bad fever".

I started to rattle off all the things i put in my meatball "origano, cayene pepper,  tomato's, bay leaf,  salt and pepper and a little bit of peanut oil, thats it" i tell darry "thanks dal, well at least now i know what made pony sick, he's allergic to origano and cayene pepper" darry said relieved knowing what caused the fever.

I felt real bad. We went back into pony's room where soda was helping him get dressed.  "Doc says he can go home, as long as he takes it easy today" soda smiled. "I'm so sorry baby, from now on i want you to tell me everything your alkergic too" i hold him in my arms.

When we get back home, the house has been cleaned, and theres a roast cooking in the oven. I grab a pen and some paper. We all sit down at the table. "Ok we are going to write a list of all the foods your allergic too" the first things on the list are cayene pepper and origano.

I was real surprised at pony being allergic to origano, darry's spaghetti always tastes so good. Turns out he always makes a separate batch for pony. Looks like i might have to come up with some new recipes that suit us both.

Darry's pov

I couldn't believe how responsible dal was bein, especially when it came to my little brother. I new once soda and i go back to tulsa, that pony was going to be just fine  without us. He was fine the last time we left him,  and hey accidents do happen.  I know dal will take good care of my baby brother.

Later that night.

Soda's pov

"I can't believe my little brother's almost sixteen" i rub the top of pony's head. "So ponyboy, what do you want for your birthday?" two-bit asks. "I don't know, guess i never really tbought about it" pony says. Theres gotta  be something he's always wanted. When i turned sixteen, dad gave me the keys to the car and told me to go and enjoy myself. Thats when i started drag racing.

But pony's different. He's not a rebel like me. He's sweet and caring, and he's a dreamer. I love all these things about him. I feel bad in some ways, knowing darry and i still had mom and dad here for our sixteenth birthdays. Thats why we gotta make it special for him.

Pony's pov

I was really hoping there wouldn't be too much fuss about my birthday this year. This would have been the year my dad would have let me take the car, like he did with darry and soda. My mom would have given me something special too like she also did with my two brothers. I felt the tears forming in my eyes.

I didn't want anyone to see me cry right now, so i headed upstairs.

I hadn't been lying dowwn on the  bed long when i felt someone beside me. "You ok kiddo" it was soda. "Just thinkin about mom and dad is all" "i'm sorry kiddo, i know its not fair darry and i got to have them when we turned sixteen, and i know its not the same but you still got me and dar" his words didn't seem to comfort me this time.

I rolled over and cried. I felt a pair of arms around me, but they weren't soda's. "When my mom died i thought it was the end of the world. She was always good to me. And when i turned sixteen, she wasn't there. I felt just the way you feel right now. And you know what, its ok to be sad,  and if you wanna stay in bed all day on your birthday and cry, thats ok too. Just know we all love you".

I turned over and dal held me and let me cry. His words had been what i needed to hear.

Dal's pov

I new how pony was feeling, i still cry sometimes when i think of my mom. I held him in my arms til he eventually cried himself to sleep.

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