last day in tulsa

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Dal's pov

My boss had only given me a few days off, so i had to get back to new york. Pony could stay a bit longer with his brothers but i know he would miss me too much, and i would misd him. Pony doesn't know it yet, but his brothers are actually coming back to new york with johnny on the train for his birthday. Pony is flying back with me.

Our flight leaves at seven in the morning and the train leaves at five thirty later that evening. My aunt rachel has gone to california to visit some family. Wich means pony and i will be home alone for almost two days. I can't wait.

"What are you smiling at babe" pony snaps me out of my thoughts. "I didn't tell ya, we are going to have the house to our selves tomorrow when we get back home". Pony smiles back at me. We all got in the truck and headed over to steve's to pick him up. Two-bit was there too.

I wanted to try and get darry and soda on there own so we could disguss pony's birthday. It was hard work as pony didn't want to leave my side. I eventually got two-bit and johnny to distract him. Two-bit and steve were able to get a week off, so they would be coming on the train with the others. I made it clear i wanted some alone time with pony, so they weren't allowed to come by plane.

I was planning on cooking him a nice dinner tomorrow night, and maybe taking him to a movie, before ending the night with a lot of love making. I didn't just mean in the bedroom either. So for now the boys and i were going to the cemetary to visit pony's folks. And then we were going to have a day of fun.

After the cemetary we headed over to the park for a game of football. Everytime i tackled pony, i would tickle him and kiss him. We ended up sitting out and watching the others. I couldn't wait til we got back to new york, and it would be the two of us. I could barely control the urge to take him right now. "I am gonna do things to you tomorrow night you'll be beggin me for more" i say to him so only he hears.

"Hold on to that thought babe, we still gotta get through today" he smirks, but i can see a slight blush. I love how i have that effect on him. "Maybe you should sleep with soda tonight, i don't think i'll be able to control myself". "Who says i want you too?" He teases. "Now who's blushing" he smirks.

We all head to the dingo for something to eat. Its not too long before soda, steve and two-bit start a food fight. Everybody starts to join in. We all start laughing when the waitress starts to give us dirty looks. Even darry can't help but laugh.

After we eat we all agree to go over to the nightly double and watch a movie. I don't really pay attention to the movie. I can't keep my eyes off my boyfriend pony. "Can you get me a coke and some popcorn babe" "huh" i was so mezmerised by him. "Never mind. I'll go" he stands up and walks over to the concession stand.

I try to keep my eyes on him, the place is swarming with soc tonight.

Pony's pov

I'm standing in line at the concession stand, waiting to pay for my items. Start to make my way back through the crowd when i see them. Bob and randy were walking up to the concession stand. I try to move a bit quicker but someone grabs my arm.

I freeze instantly. I jump as i feel someones arms wrap around me. "It's ok  baby, i won't let anyone hurt you". I start to rekax as i am comforted by the sound of dal's voice.  He leads me back out to the others. When we sit down he puts his arm around me.

"You ok kiddo" soda asks a lttle concern. The shock of seeing bob and randy must still be written on my face. I feel my cheeks getting wet from the tears in my eyes. It hadn't even been a year since bob, randy a some other soc's raped me. No matter what i can never get that image out of my head.

Being with dallas helps a lot. But he can't get rid of the nightmares. "He's just a little spooked is all" dal answers for me. He doesn't let me go as i silently cry into his chest.

We all decide to leave the movie early. Everyone was getting bored and i didn't feel much like being out anymore.  We walked back to our house. I went straight to mine and soda's room and laid on the bed. It wasn't long before soda was lying next to me rubbing circles over my back. He usually puts me out when he does this.

Dal's pov

I comforted pony as best as i could tonight. Dam soc, they have to ruin everything. If they hadn't shown up tonight,pony wouldn't be feeling so scared. Hell if they hadn't raped him in the first place i wouldn't be having these angry thoughts. I wanted to go after them. But i new it would only upset pony even more then he deserved.

I slept on the couch that night. I thought pony could use comfort of his brother. Soda has a way of comforting him that only he knows how.

It was two am in the morning when i felt some movement beside me. "Couldn't you sleep sweetheart" i whisper wrapping him in my arms. "Not without you" pony whispers back. He lies his head on my chest and it doesn't take long before he is lightly snoring. I start to drift off to the sound of his breathing.

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