long night

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Pony's pov

I decided i would wait til soda got home before going to bed. It was nine thirty when darry and i left bucks. Soda had said he and steve were just going to wait for two-bit then head home. It was almost eleven. Two-bit finished at twelve. One more hour.

I looked atvthe clock, twelve fifteen. Ok so maybe they're walking home. One am in the morning. Come on sodapop where are you? Finally at three oclock in the morning all three of them walk in the door. "Hey pony, why are you still up?" Soda asks, he still seemed pretty sober compared to steve and two-bit. "I was waiting for you" i say to him. "Sorry, we're home so late. But you ought yo know steve and two-bit by now." Soda said shaking his head at the two friends.

Soda followed pony to the bedroom.  "I'm going back to new york in the morning" "but you only just got here" soda sounds upset and annoyed. "I don't feel safe here in tulsa anymore soda. And i miss dal" "i know this place brings back bad memories for you, but you did have some good ones too. Darry and me were looking forward to spending some time with you like we use too".

I feel tears stinging my eyes. I hate that i am letting my brothers down. Especially soda,he's always put me first and here i was being selfish. "Ok i'll stay a little longer" i say through sobs. Soda puts his arm over me like he use to and we fall asleep.

It was almost lunch time when i woke up next. Soda must have yold darry i would stay a little longer, because neither of them tried to wake me up. I wanted to call dallas and let him know i wsd staying. Also let him know how much i was missing him. I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Morning pony" my brothers chorused. "Or should we say afternoon little brother?" "Sorry, i was waiting up for sodapop last night". "So what are we going to do today?" I ask them both. It was obvious neither of them had to work today.  "Whatever you wanba do little brother" darry says. "Great" i say lying on the couch.

"Come on pony, darry and i both got the day off work to do something with you today" soda whines. "Fine, how about we go to the lake then". The lake was one of our favorite places in tulsa. It wasn't very big, but the water was amazing. I loved it so much because its the place where dallas first kissed me and ask me to be his.

I started feeling sick in thr stomache thinking about him. Its like a big part of me is missing.  While i'm lost in my train of thoughts, the phone rings. "Hello, darryl speaking" "sure thing dal i'll put him on".  "Pony, phone". I look at darry as he passes the phone. "Trust me kiddo, you'll want to take this call" he smiles at me.

"Hello" i say. "Hi baby, hey i'm calling from work, i just wanted to hear your voice"  i was also calling to see if you might have been on the train". "Soda convinced me to stay a little longer".  I half whisper, afraid of my voice cracking. "Ok baby, well i gotta get back to work, call me tonight ok i love you" "i will. I love you too". And we both hung up.

We got into the truck and headed to the lake. Soda was driving. The drive to the lake was only twenty minutes. We got out of the truck and grabbed what we needed. I was so glad darry came with us. He had packed lunch, and a blanket to sit on. He even packed my favorite...pepsi.

If it were just me and soda, we might have starved. I guess thats why darry was the one put in charge, cause he's so responsible.
The lake was just how i pictured it. There was quite a few people there. It was a hot day after all, and the only local swimming pool was on the soc side of town.

We carried everything we needed, to little spot under a tree. I was about to take out a book, when both my brothers grabbed me and through me in the lake. "Oh you guys are so gonna get it." I smirk. We start playfighting in the water. I was starting to forget how miserable i really was, missing dal and all. I really missed my brothers too.

After cooling off a bit, we sat down and had something to eat. Steve and two-bit had decided to join us once steve closed up the dx for the day. We stayed by the lake and watched the sunset. "I can't remember the last time i seen a sunset that pretty" i say, afmiring it. "Don't you watch the sunset in new york?" Soda asks.

"Its kinda hard to see them this good, with all the tall buildings in the way". We had all started walking toward the truck and steve's car. I couldn't wait to get home and hear dal's vouce before i went to sleep. Little did i know there woukd be a line up for the phone.

We got inside the house and twi-bit grabbed the phone. "Hey johnnycakes" johnny must have answered the phone. I tried grabbing for the phone, especially whe dal's name was mentioned.  I was starting to get pissed off at the other boys. I swear if i don't get my phone time with dal, i'll start throwing punches.

Soda hands the phone to me. "About time" i snap at them. But when i get the phone  the line is dead. "Thanks a lot, you're all a bunch of jerks" i spit before slamming the bedroom door. The door opens sligtly. Before i can say a word dallas is leaning over me.

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