Chapter 5: That's Against The Rules

Start from the beginning

          ''That's where you're wrong,'' Danny smirked. ''But that's nothing new.''

      ''When Jack forgot your anniversary present at home, it accidentally fell into the Ghost Zone,'' White explained. ''So we went in and got it. From then on, we just kept coming back. No biggie.'' 

          Maddie and Jack were left speechless. They didn't even notice that White had said 'Jack' instead of 'dad.'

          ''Why would you purposely come here,'' Maddie shrieked. ''You could have gotten hurt because of one of those ectoplasmic monsters.''

          ''We were safe enough,'' Danny says. ''Not all ghosts are evil.''

         ''And the same goes for mystics,'' White added.

          ''That to,'' Danny agreed.

            ''Of course they're all evil,'' Jack said. ''They've done nothing but attack us.''

          ''Phantom doesn't attack anyone but the bad ghosts,'' Danny argued. ''And Gold Siren also works hard to defend us.''

         ''They're just biding time so they can destroy us after gaining our trust,'' Maddie glared at her 'sons'.

         ''Just because you believe that doesn't mean it's true,'' White growled.

          Just as things were about to escalate, aka Danny and White giving the Fentons a beat down, that's when things went way wrong. Danny saw a small blue mist escape his mouth, his ghost sense acting up. White felt the familiar shiver of his hidden wings, his siren sense. Both meant the same thing, that there was a ghost or mystic nearby.

          ''Bringing humans into the Ghost Zone,'' a deep voice said. ''That's against the rules.''

         ''Not again,'' Team Phantom complained, as a gas knocked them all out.

                                         *****Time Jump Brought To You By Clockwork*****

          "I blame you." Danny glared over to White. 

          He glared back "This is all your fault. But when Walker gets back, he better pray to the gods that I don't get out of this thing.''

         They had been fighting like this ever since they woke up. Danny was each strapped to a table that was standing up. White was sealed in a bubble of energy that stopped his powers. The class, including Mr. Lancer, Jack, and Maddie, were now only just starting to wake up in a cage on the other side of the prison hall.

         ''All of our weapons are gone,'' Maddie instantly noticed.

        ''Don't worry, Maddie,'' Jack comforted. ''We'll get them back from the ghost scum.''

         ''White and Danny aren't even the same cell as us and the first thing they notice is their weapons,'' Valerie quietly growled.

         ''Where the hell are we,'' Dash panicked.

          ''Walker's ghost prison,'' Sam told him, watching the brothers fight.

           "How is this my fault," Danny whined.

          "Because you just had to start that argument with the Fentons; if not, we'd already be at the Far Frozen by now," he yelled, finally waking everyone up fully. 

          Only neither of them had noticed.

          "That's not my fault! I didn't start the argument," Danny protested. ''And you had as much to do with that argument as I did.''

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