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a sleepover with the girls

- they all stay over at victor's since his mum treats them so well

- belch buys all the food with vic's coins

- henry brings the condoms, just in case ;)

- patrick brings the porn

- victor buys everyone a chocolate heart to eat while they watch dirty dancing
"we ain't watching that gay shit"

- vic and pat low key cuddle under the blankets

- belch and henry keep to themselves
miss them with that cuddling shit

- belch falls asleep first

- patrick draws a penis on his cheek while henry takes the pics

- if henry tries to lean against vic, patrick gets
f i e s t y

- henry drinks til he drops
which is great so pat n vic can have some alone time ;)

- prank calls belch's parents and makes sex noises
"ay pass the weed!"

- lots of girl talk

- henry actually enjoying himself for once

- victor chooses all the movies and patrick just admiring his taste in films

- pillow fights

- reading vic's diary

- eating all of vic's food

- basically just rummaging through victor's house

- comparing dick sizes

- one of them gets all worked up and emotional about an ex
usually henry

- late night talks

- deep convos

- trying to reenact 80's movie scenes

- blasting rap music at 1am

- when it's his 3am, patrick brings out his ouija board and contacts satan himself
"hi yes, i'd love to work for you, take me out of my misery, thank you and have a great day."

- watching horror movies galore™

- henry claims he isn't afraid, but screams as soon as a jump scare pops up

- vic squeezes patrick's hand

- patrick acting like he hates it, but this boi lives for it

- all of them being shirtless and wearing sweatpants

- telling one another horror stories

- just doing girly shit™

- also, vic and pat? the new ship? i think yes.

imperfect  |  bowers gang preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now