Chapter 3

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I walked along the dim corridor with the man, my hand clutching my crossbow tightly. I grit my teeth, and brush my cyan hair out of my face, feeling as though anything bright was inappropriate as of now.

"So, Officer Brandon. I would like to speak with you about the ship." He explains to me, his hazel eyes burning into my blue ones.

"What about it?" I growl.

"Oh, just about how we're here to take it." He blurts. I hold up my crossbow up, aiming it at him. He rips a multi chrome pistol out of his steel-and-leather jacket, and aims it at my exposed head. Crap. I back up towards the wall, as he steps towards me, and discreetly press the silent alarm, which alerts the main deck, and closes these entrance doors with the strongest metal known, Titanium. Now we're trapped in here together, and only one of us will make it out alive.

"You messed with the wrong Captain." I growl, pulling back the trigger.

"Oh, I'm quite sure that you're the weakest captain in the galaxy." He says, turning off the safety of his pistol.

We shoot at the same time, my arrow landing in his stomach, and ducking the bullet. I grab the gun from his hand, and kick his legs out from under him. He grabs onto my ankle, pulling me down. The gun flies out of my hand, and lands just a foot away from the mysterious ship-hijacker. I pull my laser gun from my metal belt, and put it to his temple, just as he grabs his pistol. I lean down, whispering in his ear. "I think you and your crew of whimps need to leave, or else I'll vaporize your brain."

"Ha. Try me!" He shoots his pistol into my arm, and I grit my teeth, holding back a shout of agony. I slam his head to the ground, and shout. "THIS IS WHY I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!"

I press the trigger on my laser gun, and the orange laser digs into his skull, making a dull buzzing sound, that builds up, and his skull explodes. I lean my head away from the scattering blood and brain matter. I stand up, clutching my injured arm, and kick his corpse. I grab my helmet, slipping it on over my head, and slam the button on the wall, opening the Titanium doors, and storming out, jogging down the hallways, filled with blaring red lights. I push open the doors, heading onto the minor deck, that contains ammunition and oxygen supplies.

I find my crew, being held hostage, by the hijacker's crew members. I sneak up from behind the first person, and instead of using my weapons, I jump up, and grab his neck forcefully twisting it, and hearing that satisfying snap of death. I throw his corpse to his ground, and watch as the others notice I just killed one of their own. I bring out my laser gun, and shoot through the other four, a hole going straight through all of their heads.

As I leave the room, I see the remains gone. "What?" The true version of the man steps through the wall. "You underestimate my power, fool. That was a double. You'd be surprised at what those who are suicidal will do just to die. Now, I have already taken the ship while you dealt with the dead guy. I recommend that you leave immediately before my generosity leaves. Now go. I kept one escape pod intact for you NOT to die. Just say hi to the Matres for me." The floor starts to sink, and I get put into an escape pod. I see everyone else above me get injected with nanobots which control the human mind. Just as my escape pod leaves, I see the cargo bay explode. There were important materials going to Captain, the main planet in the Sigma system. I landed on Matr, and saw the Blademaster and his ensemble before I passed out.

I woke up later with my E-Suit missing. "Where did it go?" I noticed that they left me with my Endosuit so that I wasn't exposed to the harsh conditions. "What? Where did they put it?" I got up and tried to sneak into the Blademaster's quarters. I saw the bulky man talking with someone. I dodge rolled into the next room. They didn't notice me, and I put on my E-suit and booted up the systems. I grabbed my helmet

nd realized that my crossbow had no ammo. I instead pressed a button on my sleeve and it produced a switchblade. I confronted the Blademaster, weapon in hand. "What do you think you're doing?!" He screamed. "I know what you do to people! You grant them hospitality then eat them!" I scream. "He's heard the rumors? None of those are true. We are peaceful to those unfortunate enough to crash into our planet. "C'mon. I want you to meet somebody.

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