Blessing in Disguise 1

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Gaga had to bite her inner cheek, until she could taste the blood in her mouth, to keep herself from vomiting; it was always when she performed ‘Love Game’ that her nausea was getting unbearable, she didn’t know if it were the thumping beats of that song, the bright lights or maybe it was just the heat that was getting too much, but every time she was done singing that song she could taste the vile flavor of her stomach content in her mouth. She had told her husband about it and he begged her to just skip the song, but Gaga being stubborn as always refused “I can’t just skip one of my biggest hits Taylor” she’d say, it was not just that song though it was everything, she had never experienced this amount of nausea, not even with her first child as she wasn’t able to hold any food or even water in, but she still had some dates of her tour left and refused to cancel. “Bucket!” she yelled at her staff who hurriedly brought it to her and started to throw up as worried faces were staring at her while others ripped the costume of her body to change her into something new “are you ok?” Tara asked as she was holding her hair back, Gaga slowly nodded and rinsed her mouth with water from a water bottle and spat it out. Nobody was aware about her being pregnant again, only her and Taylor knew as they only had taken a pregnancy test a week ago, she wanted to keep it a secret atleast until the tour was over as she didn’t want to upset her staff, but they knew there was something up, they just didn’t want to ask. “you really don’t look that good” Tara carefully said, Gaga wistfully smiled “well than put on an extra layer of makeup” as people where fastening her Versace outfit onto her body for her to go back on that stage again, Gaga felt another surge coming up her throat but swallowed it down and put a smile on her face “just two more songs” she whispered and nodded at her friend as she walked back into the spotlight.

Taylor was walking backstage as he carried his a little over a year old daughter in his arms, she had been asleep for a while now and rested her little head on her father’s shoulder while clenching her favorite stuffed animal in her tiny fist. Sofia had trouble falling asleep if not being held and now Taylor was holding her more for his comfort than Sofia’s as he didn’t like to put her to bed in a strange venue. He breathed out relieved as he heard the sounds of the concert being over, he knew his wife would go walk backstage and fall into his arms exhausted. But this night it was more hectic than normal as he saw a lot of people running around until he saw a medical team heading that way too and he got worried and hurriedly followed them, he saw Tara’s frightened eyes looking into his and ran closer still holding his baby girl in his arms who had woken up by now “what is happening?” he yelled “she collapsed” one of Gaga’s haus members exclaimed, Taylor felt his whole body getting cold hearing that and quickly handed his daughter over to him as he saw his wife lying on the ground next to the medical team and kneeled down supporting her head on his lap and stroked the clammy hair from her face “what happened?” he asked panicky “she fainted” one of them said as he checked her heart beat “we called an ambulance, they will be here in a minute” Taylor nodded “she will be ok right?” as he looked at the man but he ignored him “right?” Taylor repeated wanted to get assured but at that same time the ambulance arrived and they took it over from the less trained medical staff of the concert building. “Give us some space” they yelled as they put Gaga on the stretcher and into the ambulance, Taylor quickly looked around searching for his daughter and saw that she was being held by Tara now as she nodded at him letting him know Sofia was safe. “Is there anything we need to know before we try to treat her?” one of the ambulance guys asked, Taylor nodded as he got into the ambulance “she’s pregnant” he heard people around gasp before the back doors of the ambulance were closed.

It became clear very quickly where she was at as she was blinded by the bright lights that came from outside the hospital window, Taylor was sitting next to her on a chair his face buried in his hands, she wanted to put her arm on his shoulder but noticed a needle was stuck into it as it was attached to a long tube going above her head “Taylor?” she said raspy, Taylor looked up and sighed in relieve “you’re awake” Gaga nodded “did I faint?” she asked, Taylor stood up and sat next to her on the bed “yes you did, again” Gaga ignored the tone in his voice and looked around the room “where’s Sofia?” Taylor took a deep breath “with Tara” Gaga nodded “have you told the hospital about the pregnancy?” Gaga whispered Taylor nodded as he grunted and stood up “are you seriously mad at me?” Gaga asked baffled as Taylor was pacing through the private hospital room, he stopped and turned around “how many times have I begged you to stop doing the show? Don’t you see how serious this is? We could’ve lost the baby for all we know” but Taylor immediately knew he went too far as her face clearly showed how hurt she was “don’t say that” she whispered as she scratched her arm that was attached to the IV that was slowly dripping fluid into her body. Taylor sighed and sat next to her on the bed “I’m sorry, the baby is probably fine, you just scared me so much” Gaga nodded and rubbed her face “I’m sorry” she whispered and swallowed as she already felt sick again. Soon a doctor walked in followed by a nurse who friendly smiled at her as she checked the IV and put a bucket next to her, Gaga faintly smiled back and the nurse left as the doctor shook both their hands “so how are you feeling?” Gaga shrugged “better I guess” she said, the doctor nodded “so nothing really serious happened, you fainted, mainly because of the lack of fluids and the heat, you really need to start eating and drinking more otherwise it will not only harm you but also your baby” Gaga nodded as she immediately felt selfish the way she has treated herself, Gaga looked at Taylor before she took a deep breath “is the baby ok?” the doctor looked up from the charts “have you experienced any cramping? Bleeding?” Gaga shook her head “no, just really nauseous” the doctor smiled “well then you don’t have to worry, we can do an ultrasound if you want to just to be sure-“ Gaga nodded “I’d like that, we haven’t had one yet anyway” the doctor wrote something down “well I will let a colleague come and give you that first ultrasound but I want to make one thing really clear before I leave” as he pointed at her “you cannot do any concerts anymore if you want to not damage yourself ok” Gaga nodded “it was the last show anyway” the doctor smiled “good” and shook their hands again “-and you have to make sure she keeps drinking lots and lots of water alright?” Taylor nodded “I will, I promise” and the doctor left the room “can you hand me the bucket Taylor?” Gaga asked feeling her stomach content coming up again, he looked at her and nodded “I wish I could trade places with you” he said to her, Gaga smirked as she was hanging above the bucket “you wouldn’t even able to handle it for a day”.

“Mamma!” Sofia squealed as Tara walked in the hospital room with the girl in her arms, Gaga looked up and smiled big “baby!” she said and opened her arms, Tara laughed and put the girl into her mother’s arms, Gaga kissed the child all over “I missed you so much” she said touching her soft brown curls. “How are you? Are you ok? Everybody is so worried” Tara asked as she saw the bucket next to her friends bed “I am fine, just dehydrated because of all the puking” Tara smiled “so it is true? You are pregnant?” Gaga nodded as she kept playing with Sofia who made very happy noises.  “Yeah they just checked on me, because we were scared something might have happened with the baby but thankfully everything is fine” Tara nodded “I can’t believe you haven’t told me about it! How far along are you anyway?” Gaga looked at Taylor and smirked “-remember when Taylor, Sofia and I took a break from touring and went to Amsterdam?” Tara nodded “yeah like 6 weeks ago… no really?” as it hit her “yes on the first try, can you believe it” “so it was intentional?” Taylor grunted “well we didn’t expect it to happen right away, getting pregnant mostly takes a while…” “-but not with us!” Gaga joked as her facial expression changed “Taylor can you-“ as she pointed at baby Sofia, Taylor quickly grabbed their baby daughter as  Gaga picked up the bucket and closed her eyes “I just want to slap the person who called it ‘morning sickness’ it is clearly ‘every second of the day and night sickness’” she complained “it was never that bad with Sofia” as Taylor walked into the bathroom for a second so their daughter didn’t have to see her mother puke.

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